The Strange yet Familiar Feeling

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Jungkook soared through the forest, the wind whistling past his wings as he returned home to his tree castle, carrying a bundle of clothes for Roseanne. He tapped lightly on the bathroom door, hesitating as he heard movement inside. When she opened the door, he immediately turned away as he was flustered by her quick response.

"I didn't mean to intrude! I brought you some clothes." he stammered.

She chuckled, "Don't worry. I'm still in my dress."

Relieved, he turned around and passed her the clothing before excusing himself, allowing her privacy.

After she finished bathing, she emerged from the bathroom, donning the borrowed garments that swamped her small frame. Jungkook could not help but grin at the comical sight.

"You look like you just raided a giant's wardrobe, Rosie." he teased gently.

Laughing at herself, she glanced down at the baggy clothes. "I feel like I am drowning in these!"

Curiosity sparked, she questioned him about the clothes' origin.

Jungkook hesitated before admitting, "I may have 'borrowed' them from a man who crashed the waterfall in the south."

Roseanne gasped at his revelation.

"Kion told me that he was the one who took his canine teeth away. I just did what I could before he does it again.", he explained his reason.

"Kion?", she asked in curiosity.

"Kion, a lion missing his left canine twenty years ago.", he answered. "That was when I found him and I brought him here to live as my assistant.", he added. "He's very good at taking care of the south. He and Tigra, my two most loyal assistants.", he smiled warmly, thinking of the two reliable friends.

"Tigra as in a tiger?", Roseanne guessed.

He nodded with a wider smile, "You've seen them the other day, right?"

She recalled before nodding, "Those two scary, big felines?"

He chuckled at how she addressed them, "They're not scary. The next time you see them, I will introduce them to you. You'll see how tame they can be."

"Speaking of them, are there any other animals in the forest?", she asked him.

"Yes, Tigra and Kion have their own families. There are some elephants, horses, monkeys, squirrels, snakes..", he laughed after counting with his fingers. "Basically, whatever wild animals that you know, Crimsonheart has them all."

She nodded, "Are they all tame?"

Jungkook smiled, "Depends on who you are."

"I get it. So, I have to be good with you.", she replied subtly.


"Because you are the king of this wondrous forest. They all obey you so I assume if I am good with you, they will be good with me too. Isn't it like that?", she smiled at her own assumption.

He chuckled before remembering what he wanted to tell her before he went out to steal the clothes for her that morning, "I almost forgot. I need to go out again. I'm supposed to be hunting for some fish today at the river."

"Hunting fish?", Roseanne asked.

"Yes, for our dinner. Grilled fish, do you eat that?", he responded.

A glimmer of excitement is shown on her face. "Of course I do. Oh...I feel hungry just by thinking of it now.", she patted her stomach animatedly.

Jungkook smiled at her reaction. "I want to get some fruits too. I see you brought a lot of berries here. Do you like berries only or do you like other fruits too?", he inquired.

King: of The Forest And The Land (COMPLETED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant