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The story is complete fantasy, where society divided into three Genders,

Alphas (A) : Top or Dominant in the Hierarchy, Huge Strength and aggression for Power, Leadership & Matter related to Army, Protection comes under their reinforcement. Goes into Ruts during Mating season every Month for a week or two. Have strong pheromones, mostly spicy.
Can only marry his/her Destined mate

Omegas (O) : Secondary & Submissive to Alphas & Betas, Care Taker and Giver of the society, Cute, adorable and able to produce offspring Both Male & Female Omega. Male Omegas are rare. Goes into Heat period every month for a week or two. Have strong pheromones but sweet and flowery to smell. Can only marry his/her Destined mate.

Betas (B): Third & Last Gender, Normal human, doesn't have pheromones, they don't go into Ruts or heats, Can marry anyone whether it's Alpha or Omega, or even another Beta, whoever they like or want to.


"It must be painful, I saw him bleeding, but why he is hurting himself, if he hates me so much, he can just say it to me & he will never have to see my face again, it breaks my heart every time he ignore my existence, how long this will continue, I hate you, I really do"

             "This hurts me so much, whenever he is near, I can feel his presence even if I can't see his beautiful face, his pheromones drive me crazy, to keep control over myself, I had to distract my wolf, this pain is nothing in comparison to the unbreakable distance between us, but I don't know how long I will not lose over my sanity, cause I love you, I really do"


Main Story will start from Next Chapter 💛

( Tell me if you like the preview, I love reading your comments 😉
Thanks for reading my stories ❤️)

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