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After the revelation that Jake was leaving at the beginning of August it seemed like the time was running out for us faster. This had meant Jake insisted we more or less spent everyday in each other's company, regardless of what we would be doing.

It had become common knowledge around Ailea Fields that we were now courting. The past few guests grandmother had over would constantly question about engagement and when I imagined it would happen. I was unable to answer them each time. I didn't court with the intention to engage, I court with the intention to find happiness in a person who I might end up spending the rest of my life with. I didn't want to expect anything from anything or anyone.

"Do you keep having guests at your aunt questioning you about the courting?" I questioned and closed the book in my lap. Finding it near impossible to focus on the story when I was constantly bothered by the thought of engagement.

"My aunt hasn't gotten many guests lately. I only hear about it when I get home," Jake casually replied as he continued to walk around the pear tree I sat under, picking a few pears from the branches, "why?"

"My grandmother has unusually many guests these days, and they always ask me the same question about our courting," I admitted and picked at the corners of my book. Frowning as I looked down over the fields rolling out towards the horizon.

"What are they asking?" Jake questioned from behind the tree.

"When I think we'll be engaged," I admitted and I could hear his low hum, "I can't ever give them a proper answer. Because I don't know... and do I really want to know the answer? I don' know."

"Then why let it bother you?" Jake questioned and walked back to my side of the pear tree, looking down at me with his natural smile that was constantly painted onto his face.

"Because I don't remember the last time I was unable to answer people like that," I admitted quietly, "I've always known what to answer people on the questions they have about me. I don't think I'm used to having something about my future be so unsure."

"Well... next time just tell them you'll be engaged when the time comes," Jake shrugged, "we're not in a rush, are we?"

"I wouldn't say so," I muttered as he sat down beside me and extended a pear towards me. I happily took it and put my book down to the side, "I mean... we're essentially still really getting to know each other. Aren't we?"

"In a way we are," he hummed, "but it'll be like that for the rest of our lives. We'll constantly be trying to get to know each other. As we grow older our views and behaviours will change, and our relation will change with it. Hopefully not too much."

"Why not?" I whispered and he smiled in amusement as he looked over at me and away from the green pear he had been studying in his hand.

"Because I like the way you make me feel," he nonchalantly excused, "I like the feeling of my hands start to shake slightly and my stomach get filled with beautiful butterflies. I like how my heart beats irregularly whenever you smile or laugh at me. Generally just how you make me feel my heart beat so hard in my chest whenever you're around. It sounds so wrong, but it feels so good."

"I make you feel like that?" I questioned and he nodded quietly, "since when?"

"Since I first laid eyes upon you," he whispered quietly, "up in that window, peeking out carefully. Something enchanted me from the start."

"I do that?" I whispered in disbelief and he nodded once again. A small smile immediately spreading on my face, "are you sure it's me?"

"Who else would it be?" he questioned and I smiled quietly to myself, looking down at the flowers further down the hill that was just as red as the colour my cheeks.

It sounded weird, but it almost felt like an allergic reaction. It got hard to breathe and my face burned, my heart did flips and tumbles as I tried to just focus on my pear. So much reaction from a single comment.

"You're blushing pretty badly," he chuckled and I nodded quietly, scratching at the green skin of the pear. Jake didn't say much more than that, he let the silence engulf us for a few seconds, "I think it's pulling up to storm..."

At the small worried comment from Jake I quickly looked up towards the sky. Up ahead the clouds were pulling together tightly, making the sky go dark as the wind became harsher against our skin and through our hair.

"Let's get you home quickly," Jake declared and pushed himself up before extending his hand towards me.

I quickly grabbed my book before letting him pull me up and into his chest. A small smile playing on his lips as I dared glance up at him. We only could let out small awkward laughs with one another in situations like that, which had also caused for us to stumble a bit on our way back to the valley.

In the valley we parted ways. Jake walked back down towards the forrest, yelling for me to rush up the hill and inside so that I didn't catch a cold or anything shortly before he was to leave for Cambridge. He didn't want to come and visit me on my sick bed. he would rather be out and about with me.

I did as he had asked me to. Rushing up the hill. Having a few pauses every once in a while to look back and assure Jake was getting home properly and safely.

Wildflowers | S.JyWhere stories live. Discover now