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"Please tell me you're taking the dance with mr. Thompson next," Mira almost begged as she grabbed my hand tightly in both of hers.

"But... no," I quickly shook my head in confusion, "the next dance is the Schottische, and then it's the waltz I have with him."

"Please, he tried to give me his escort card before I ran out to you. I do not wish to have mr. Thompson escort me home," Mira begged, "if he gives it to you please accept it."

"Why would I do that?" I questioned in amusement, "why wouldn't you take his card?"

"If I take it, he has the right to escort me back home. I can't find it in me to give him his card back after he has handed it to me," she shook her head eagerly, "please take it."

"But miss Kirk can't," Jake excused making Mira look over at him with wide and shocked eyes, "may I write my name in your dance card miss Young?"

"Please do," she eagerly nodded and rushed to hand him her dance card, "do write yourself on two dances."

"I'm afraid all my dances but the first waltz is occupied," Jake excused with an apologetic smile.

"Why don't you like mr. Thompson?" I interrupted as Mira got her dance card back from Jake.

"I do like him, it is simply not that," she shook her head quickly, "but I know he'll be much better for your and how your life will be when one day grandma and grandpa dies," she excused, "I can settle for less than his fortune."

"Oh Mira... how many times do I have to rephrase it for you?" I let out a smalll laugh, "I simply don't care about his fortune. Surely I can stay living on the Green Hill even when I'm old and grey."

"You have absolutely no insight into finances, dear cousin," Mira shook her head in dismay, "neither do I, but I can assure you that I have more insight into it than you do. Thinking a woman can inherit property," she shook her head quietly, making me frown at her, "I don't mind missing out on the Schottische. It's always been my least favourite."

"I don't know... looks fun," I murmured and cocked my head to the side as I looked at the way the pairs on the floor were skipping around with each other.

"Miss Kirk, if you don't mind. The next is the Lanciers. I would be pleased if you'd accompany me in finding a quadrille for us to dance with," Jake spoke up and I looked over at him.

"Of course," I nodded and let go of Mira arm to follow Jake around the ball room, while he questioned his way through all the boys, asking if any of them were dancing the lanciers with anyone and if so, we could join their quadrille.

By the time the Schottische had finished we had found three other pairs to dance with, patiently waiting with them to take a place on the ball room floor.

"I'd like to say sorry before we start," I excused as Jake extended his hand towards me as our quadrille rushed out on the floor to take a perfect spot, "it's been a while since I danced the Lanciers," I excused and placed my hand in his palm.

"You don't need to worry. I will lead the dance," he assured gently, "besides... we'll be pair number three, so you can watch the two first pairs before we go," he whispered and I let out a small laugh, "may I suggest you leave your dance card empty for my escort card? I'd rather give it to you than to your cousin."

"I think that will suffice," I gave him a small nod as he just smiled widely.

The Lanciers went surprisingly well for Jake and I. Throughout the whole dance I couldn't help but smile and feel myself get excited for when I would dance the Lanciers with him again later on in the night.

The waltz with John Thompson in between, on the other hand... he was a gentle dancer, quite good actually. Where John Thompson lacked in eye contact and a small smile Jake surely didn't fail. Perhaps it was also because I couldn't talk to John Thompson during our dance, as it would be considered rude to converse with him, now that I only just got introduced to him the same night.

The second round of Lanciers were the second to last dance of the night. If it wasn't funnier than the first round of Lanciers that night, it was definitely the round I had been best at. With the dance fresh in my mind I could easily follow along this time and enjoy it more, it seemed to be a relief on Jake as well, who was a bit more gentle in his hold whenever he had to lead me around in the dance.

"You seem good at the Lanciers," Mira remarked as I stumbled out to the edge of the ballroom in between the second Lanciers and the second Waltz, "didn't mr. Thompson offer you his escort card tonight? I can't get rid of him."

"He did, after our waltz," I nodded at her.

"And you refused?" she gasped in shock, "but Millie I told you to accept it if he were to give you one."

"Surely I can't have two gentlemen escorting me home, can I? It would feel like a betrayal and leading one on," I reminded her and she immediately frowned as I got out the small escort card I had been given.

"May I have the pleasure of seeing you home this evening, or may I have to sit on the fence and watch you pass by?" she read from my card before arching a brow, "well... alright then, I'll accept mr. Thompson's escort card, but we'll take the carriage."

"I think that's alright," I nodded and watched as the last waltz slowly came to its end.

"I thought I had made it clear I expected mr. Sim to court me," Mira muttered as a remark.

"Surely," I nodded at her as she handed me back my escort card, "but this surely isn't an invitation to be courted. I simply would be more comfortable being escorted home by a familiar face than someone I've just established knowledge to. Besides mr. Thompson is remarkably dull for my liking. Grandmother has always preached the balance in a courtship, dull people should not be matched up with one another so I find mr. Thompson to be an improper match with me. I on the other hand am in need of someone who can ensure that I enjoy myself in their company, and mr. Thompson has not proven capable at that."

"If you get to know him, you'll grow fond of his antics," Mira excused and I glanced over at her.

"Then I suggest you grow fond of his antics tonight," I excused as the ball room started to empty, "for I will not be wasting any more of my time on the dull presence of mr. Thompson, now if you'll excuse me."

I let go of Mira's arm and left to catch up with Jake, who was waiting for me at the exit already having picked up my shawl for me. How he knew which was mine I didn't know, but it was the correct one.

"I'm afraid we'll have to walk home. Mira seemed dismayed at the thought of being escorted by mr. Thompson and will take the carriage for herself and him," I excused with an apologetic smile.

"Are you sure?" he questioned immediately, "won't you get cold?"

"I believe it to be quite alright," I assured and walked with him out into the dark night, "my grandfather promised to stay up until he was assured both of us were home tonight."

"Well... then we must get going if we want to be home before sunrise," Jake offered and gently guided me out towards the small gravel path back towards the Ailea Fields.

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