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"So because I came to visit you for tea Mira did that?" Jake questioned hesitantly and pointed to the four red dots on the back of my hand.

"It's really not that bad," I assured him with a small nod, "she didn't have enough power to stab the fork more down than just a surface wound... that's what grandfather said, he's an old doctor."

"Excuse me, I have to talk to Mira," he stated and placed his teacup back on its undercup, "where is she?"

"The guestroom upstairs, but I don't think it's necessary-" I started and he quickly cut me off and stood up.

"You can try and convince me all you want miss Kirk-"

"Millie," I quickly coorrected and he nodded gently before continuing.

"But I still want to have a word with your cousin," he excused and adjusted his daytime vest to hide the shirt between his pants' waistband and the edge of his vest, "you can join me, but not stop me."

I stared at him in confusion before he started walking back towards the stairs. I was quickly up on my feet, following along. Pulling up in my skirt as I ran after him up the stairs to the second floor.

"Which way is the guest room?" he questioned calmly as I got up beside him, at the top of the stairs. A small breath escaped my mouth as I glared up at him.

"I don't think this is necessary," I reminded him and he only smiled in return.

"And I didn't think it was necessary of your cousin to stab you with a fork," he excused before starting to wander down a random hallway, "miss Young, may I talk with you?" he called out loudly and I sighed before rushing to follow after him.

Further down the hall a door was opened and Jake immediately sped up his footsteps. A small smile greeting his face as I got a glimpse of it from the side.

"Ah, miss Young," he breathed out as I scrambled to pull up enough in my skirt to follow along with him.

"Mr. Sim you are terribly fast," I panted behind him, to no avail.

By then he was already standing outside the door to my cousin's room. Mira stepping out of the door as she looked at Jake in confusion. I let myself halt in my steps a few meters away from them. No more than four, but enough to give them room.

"How may I help you mr. Sim?" Mira questioned and I slowly let my skirt fall from my grip.

"I understand you were dismayed with my invitation to drink tea with your cousin," Jake stated and Mira glanced towards me with an unsure and confused look on her face.

"Yes?" she hummed with a small nod, "well, you see. I had expected I would be invited as well."

"I'll have you know I was the one who initiated the tea this afternoon. As far as I understand you're under the impression that I would want to court you in the future," he continued and she gave him a tiny nod. Barely even visible, "I'm afraid I have to ruin your expectations. I have my full intention on courting somebody else in the future, and if that is to be your lovely cousin miss Kirk I want you to know that I find it highly inappropriate to stab her with a fork out of rage."

I grabbed onto the fabric of my skirt once again as I tensed up, anticipating Mira's answer. She only gave a small nod, stepped back and closed the door to her room once again. Leaving a quite baffled Jake behind. His eyebrows immediately shooting up as he looked towards me to find an answer.

"That seemed awfully easy," he commented and I slowly nodded as he strode down to me and extended his elbow for me to grab. A thing I hesitantly did, "tell me... do your cousin know the location of your bedroom?"

"She does," I nodded as we walked along with one another back towards the stairs.

"And does it happen to have a lock?" he continued and I eventually nodded after a few seconds once again.

"Yes, but I do not have the key. I know where it is though," I excused and he nodded quietly.

"I find it needed that you perhaps sleep with your door locked for at least a week from now on," he pointed out and I nodded quietly.

"I'll go find the key, if you'll excuse me for a few minutes," I excused and let go of his arm.

"Of course. I will see you downstairs," he assured and started down the stairs.

I quickly rushed down towards the library. That's where the key for all the second floor rooms was to be found. Inside a tiny desk at the very back of the library the key would lay and be hidden away. Only one key on the floor that was free for access, so I didn't have to worry about Mira finding out how else to get into my room.

I didn't know why the locks on the doors was different from the ones downstairs, but I had never really questioned it. I had learned early on that I shouldn't question too many things inside the house, from since when I moved in with my grandparents. I still remember how I got scolded for asking why I had lacey curtains in my room instead of proper curtains to cancel out the light.

I had only reached the top of the stairs to follow downstairs, hoping to greet Jake back in the sunroom, when I had heard my grandfather's voice from down stairs. Seemingly talking to someone.

"I'm sorry, could you repeat yourself? Are you sure you don't mean Mira?" my grandfather questioned and I halted in my steps, hand barely even on the railing as my skirt crashed back against my shins again.

"I am quite certain it is your granddaughter, miss Kirk, whom I intend to court," Jake's voice calmly replied and a small smile spread on my face. Even though I couldn't see his expression it was like I could feel the smile in his voice, "and to follow my manners, I wanted to ask for your permission before I ask for her permission. Seeing as no father is around it only seems fit that I ask you."

"You're very kind to ask me," my grandfather chuckled, "but her father is around. Just not here. I can't give you definite permission on his behalf, but you have more than my permission. With time, she will introduce you to her parents, and then you can ask for permission. Until then I suggest you stay patient. My granddaughter is much more keen on learning people's behaviors and habits, more than marrying quickly."

"I can sense that on her," Jake's voice assured with a small chuckle, "you do not need to worry sir, I will take my sure time. I have all summer to show her my behavior and habits. I assume so far it has only been good things on my behalf."

"She seems to be very fond of your company mr. Sim. I think you can rest easily in that assumption," my grandfather assured gently, "now where have you left her?"

"I believe she rushed to the library, promising she would join me any moment," Jake excused calmly.

I quickly let my face relax and took a deep breath before wandering down the stairs, key shoved up into my sleeve. Acting like nothing happened as I turned the corner of the stairs, looking over towards my grandfather and Jake.

"Found what you were looking for, dear?" my grandfather asked and I immediately nodded with a small smile.

"Excuse me for my disappearance, I was just eager to check for a book in the library," I excused, "you see, mr. Sim is an avid reader as well and has just recommended me a book to read."

"I see, very well," my grandfather nodded, "I'll leave you two to go back to your tea. Would you like for me to re-heat the water?"

"I think it's just fine grandfather. If needed I can do so myself," I assured and reached the floor finally.

I looked over towards Jake and gestured for him to walk first down towards the sunroom as I followed behind him. Once he sat down in his seat he just smiled brightly up at me, waiting for me to sit down before he sipped from his teacup.

"Too cold?" I quickly questioned and he shook his head immediately, his hair flowing lightly around his forehead.

"Not at all," he assured and smiled widely in return.

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