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It seemed wrong to sit on the wobbly stools inside the home, around the poorly made wooden table near the fireplace my mother used to cook over. It seemed even more wrong to see Jake's smile as he sat down with my father and I.

"What is this?" my father grumbled as I looked towards where my mother stood, bouncing the toddler boy on her arm - glancing between us and the large pot hanging in the fire place.

"Now, I've already asked for the permission of mr. Young," Jake happily stated and my mom momentarily glanced in our direction before quickly looking back down into the pot, "but he told me I must ask you as well."

"Get to the point," father urged and I shifted uncomfortably on my stool as Jake only straightened up his back.

"I want permission to court your daughter," Jake immediately spoke and it went dead silent, more than it already was.

The only sound in the small home was the crackling of fire from the fireplace. Father only raised both his eyebrows in a poor attempt to show interest.

"Court?" mother spoke up and father immediately waved his hand.

"Quiet," father murmured and mother immediately looked towards me.

"Take the child," she urged and extended the toddler towards me.

I hesitated a bit before grabbing the toddler and letting him sit on my lap as mother rushed out of the room, pushing hair out of her face and drying her hands in her apron. Quietly murmuring something under her breath as she rushed away.

"Why would you wish to court her?" father questioned as I looked down towards the toddler instead of looking at the two men sitting by the fireplace.

"Why wouldn't I?" Jake replied, "during my stay in Ailea fields she has been more than capable enough to make me feel welcome. I've genuinely enjoyed her presence and company and personally I have a hard time imagining going back to Cambridge without such a presence in my life."

"Cambridge?" father questioned and Jake immediately nodded.

"I am to take over the bank my father owns," Jake nodded, "for that I need the proper education."

"What makes you think Millie is cut for the city life? The girl has never been to a larger city than this," father reminded, "the fields have damaged her mentality."

"We've talked it over," Jake excused, "when... if the time comes to us deciding on engagement and later marriage... we would find a solution that comforts both of us. Possibly a lovely country home outside of the city if needed."

Father sighed heavily before running a hand over his stubby beard, which I assumed was shaved with a blade too old for it to be sharp enough. I didn't understand what his problem was, he didn't give a care for what I did anyways.

"You've thought it through?" father questioned and Jake immediately nodded, "she has nothing to her name."

"I am aware," Jake nodded, "with time I'll be able to provide for both of us if needed."

"She's illegitimate," father continued and Jake sucked in a deep breath.

"We have certain things between us sorted, which you don't need to worry for," Jake persisted, "all I'll need is your permission to let me court her before I go back to Cambridge by the start of August."

"Courting for a month?"

"Miss Kirk is no doubt good with her words, I don't doubt we'll do just fine in letters until I'm able to pay my visits again."

"She's not fit for a wife."

"I believe the two of us have very different views of what a good wife is."

"Is that so?"

"I believe so."

"Will you be able to discipline her properly?"

"Discipline?" Jake chuckled in amusement, letting me glance up at him as he looked at me in confusion, "I don't see what kind of discipline that would be. Miss Kirk is by far the most well-mannered lady I've met in a long time. That is beside my own sister."

"Then times sure must've changed," father snorted as he looked over towards me, "truth is I don't care what you do. Court her if you want to do so, just get out of my house."

I snickered to myself as I looked back down towards the toddler, waiting to get kicked out - which we soon did. Not lonhg lasted before I was told to abruptly hand the toddler back to his father and leave the house along with Jake. Perhaps even getting kicked out if not just told to leave.

"That went surprisingly well," I commented as I lifted up in my skirt and walked back down towards the carriage as the dark clouds on the sky above tightened and Jake followed close behind me.

"He wasn't exactly excited about it," Jake remarked as he opened the carriage door for me once we actually reached the carriage, "a bit of enthusiasm wouldn't hurt him," he murmured and assisted my hand as I was helped up in the carriage, the door closing after Jake had gotten up to join me himself.

"Well, he isn't my actual father," I reminded and flattened my skirt properly down in my lap, "did you get the answer you wanted?"

"I got what I had hoped," he nodded, "perhaps not as happy or supportive."

It was incredible how Jake's demeanor had turned dull once again now that we had gotten back in the carriage. It was a stark contrast in comparison to how he had been towards my father. I could only shift uncomfortably where I sat and look out of the window as the carriage set into motion back towards Ailea fields.

"Will you... will you actually let me court you?" Jake questioned quietly and I looked back to him in confusion, "what?"

"Nothing... I just... no," I shook my head quietly and looked back out the window, "it's nothing."

"Will you then give me your answer?" Jake offered, leaning a bit forward to give me a small smile.

"The question is more if you want to court me," I reminded him and his smile faded to just purse his lips.

"As long as you're not keeping anything else from me, I've already told you... I don't care for who you are where you come from," he reminded gently, "I thought I had already told and proved it to you..."

"I just wasn't sure," I muttered and much to my surprise his hand instinctively went over into my lap and grabbed my own, holding it gently as my eyes were naturally captured by his.

"It would only be an honor to me if you'd let me court you," he whispered, "I have not... ever... felt so strongly about anyone as I do about you. I am fully convinced it would not be a mistake for me."

"So what now? It's just courting?" I questioned and he nodded quietly, a small smile spreading on his face.

"I'll eventually go back to Cambridge, but then I'll have your address, and the first thing I will do once back in my parents' house is to write you," he assured me, "but for now we must cherish the month we still have left with one another."

Wildflowers | S.JyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang