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The gravel crunched under our feet as Jake and I walked along the path back towards the green hill. I had my shawl tightly wrapped around me as Jake just had buttoned his jacket up and folded his hands behind his back as we walked in silence.

"Is it correct if I assume tonight was your first ball?" Jake questioned and I shook my head quietly, "no?"

"It was my first ball with so many at my own age," I corrected him softly, "the Winchester's like to hold a mid summer evening ball, every year. It's more... fancy and posh if you would. They know quite a lot of really wealthy families and would invite them."

"Anyone your age?" he questioned and I nodded.

"Plenty... however, I found majority of them to be quite stuck up," I excused with a small frown, "tonight is by far the funniest ball I've been too. The dance cards were quite peculiar."

"Do you always speak like that?" he questioned with a small chuckle and I looked at him with an arched brow, "so polite and posh?"

"Anything else would be rude unless they were a good friend of mine," I reminded him in shock, "everyone in Ailea Fields are my seniors and I should treat them as such."

"You know you can speak comfortably with me," he reminded and I stared at him for a few seconds, "I can assure you it's more than alright."

"Okay," I nodded quietly and fixated my eyes on the road ahead of us, noticing the small path in between the trees, "Come on, we won't be bothered by Mira and John Thompson if we take this path. The carriages are too big to fit in here," I excused and rushed to my left to walk down the path.

"Are you cold?" he called from behind me as I had lifted up in my skirt to step down onto the second path bending in and out between the trees.

"No," I shook my head quietly, stopping up to wait for him to reach me, "do you need help?"

"No," he shook his head with a small laugh, "you didn't seem too fond of dancing the waltz with mr. Thompson earlier," he remarked and I shook my head as we continued down the path together, side by side, "how come?"

"He was insufferable," I shook my head, "so dull and awkward. He refused to even look at me while we danced. I had a lot more fun with you."

"You seemed a lot more happy too," he nodded in agreement.

"And Mira, how was she to dance with?" I questioned and he let out a small laugh.

"I feel as though I'm only leading her on," he shook his head, "she's very... clingy if you can say. If I have to be honest I do not like your cousin."

"She is very head over heels for you though," I remarked with a laugh, "I'm pretty sure she was mad when she saw your name on my escort card."

"Hm," he hummed and let his hand run through his hair, "she still wants me to court her?"

"Oh yes, she does," I nodded before letting out a laugh, "oh my, I will never hear the end of this," I realized and raised my hands to my cheeks, "what should I do?"

"If I may give an offer?" Jake started and I looked over at him before eagerly nodding, "I can't be sure about your feelings, but I'd like to continue enjoying your company. Not necessarily courting. But if you'll let me, I would like to call on you at your house on Tuesday."

"I'm having pie with your aunt on Wednesday," I reminded him and he immediately nodded.

"I know," he assured, "shouldn't stop me from visiting you on Tuesday, should it?"

"I think you'll be very disappointed with your visit. There is nothing special about the house," I excused and he just nodded.

"It is not about the activity, miss Kirk-"

"Millie," I corrected.

"It is not about the activity, Millie," he corrected himself, "but moreso about the company... have you not been seeked out before?"

"No, I haven't," I shook my head as I let out a small laugh, "and I really don't see why you would want to."

"Well, you don't need to understand," he excused, "you just need to accept it."

"I see," I nodded slowly, trying my best not to let out a small laugh at him.

"Oh... it's here," he remarked as the small path we were walking connected back to the gravel path and right up ahead was the Green Hill House.

"That's very nicely spotted," I nodded and he let out out another small laugh.

Up on the porch my grandfather was rocking back and forth in the rocking chair, seeming quite calm as he was flipping through the newspaper, a small oil lamp standing beside him to provide some light.

"Mira did say you had resorted to walking," my grandfather called out as he noticed us nearing.

"She didn't let us ride in the carriage with her and mr. Thompson," I excused in return and he chuckled and shook his head, putting his newspaper aside to greet me by the steps.

"How was the ball?" he questioned as we finally reached him.

"I enjoyed it plenty. By far much more fun than the midsummer ball the Winchester's hold," I admitted and looked over at Jake with a small smile.

"And she accepted your escort card or was she simply left behind?" my grandfather questioned as he looked over at Jake.

"I was lucky enough she didn't hand me my card back after we had danced the first round of Lanciers," Jake excused, "I had the honor of taking the second round of Lanciers as well."

"It was kind of you to look after her for the night, now that I hear her cousin was dancing most of the night away," my grandfather assured.

"Oh no, the pleasure was all mine sir," Jake quickly shook his head, looking towards me with a small smile, "I was hoping you'd find it fitting that I pay her a visit on Tuesday."

"Millie? You wish to pay Millie a visit?" my grandfather questioned and Jake nodded in confirmation, "how come?"

"I happen to enjoy her company, greatly," Jake excused, "and now that I know my aunt has her over for pie on Wednesday I want to be a step ahead in getting to know miss Kirk."

"Alright. You can visit her for tea on Tuesday," my grandfather nodded, "that much I will allow."

"I will look forward to Tuesday," Jake nodded before turning to me and extending his hand.

I let my hand lay in his as he pressed a kiss to the back of my hand. A small smile continuing to adorn his face from when he bent down to when he straightened up.

"Thank you for letting me see you to your door," he smiled and let my hand drop down by my side yet again, "I'll hope for your sleep to be good tonight and look forward to tea on Tuesday."

Jake excused himself with politeness before continuing down the gravel path, down the hill and towards the forrest. My grandfather only let out a small laugh as I stood stretching my neck to watch Jake's back disappear down the hill.

"You're a little charmer, aren't you?" my grandfather questioned and helped me up on the front porch and inside along with his oil lamp.

"Oh you don't understand, grandfather. Tonight was absolutely wonderful, and mr. Sim is so kind you would never believe me. He makes me laugh and smile like no other in Ailea Fields," I gushed and my grandfather immediately chuckled.

"I see that mr. Sim is not the only one looking forward to Tea on Tuesday. You should go up and get a good night's sleep, your grandmother expects both you and your cousin up for breakfast tomorrow morning," my grandfather urged and I immediately nodded before pulling up in my skirt and almost running up the stairs to the second floor. Hoping I could still catch a glimpse of Jake going home.

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