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After a whole morning of sitting and reading out on the front porch my grandfather had finally decided that it was time to come out and get me. He had softly informed me that it was time for lunch.

Already upon entering the house had I been able to feel the tension in the air. I would easily be able to cut throught it with the tiniest embroidery scissor. Something was awfully wrong, but I couldn't exactly put my finger on what. At least not until I entered the dining room.

My grandmother and grandfather sat in their usual seats, my cousin having joined in an extra seat at the table like she had done any other day. Her expression sullen as my grandmother kept a stern stare on her.

I murmured a small 'hello' before placing my book down on the table and sitting down in my usual seat, which now was right beside Mira. I barely got an answer from anyone but my grandfather, who quickly replied with a small 'hello' as well.

The tense silence had continued through the lunch, constantly hovering above us. There was something I wasn't filled in on, and it slowly became more and more evident.

"I can't do this," Mira eventually sighed as she gently tapped her napkin around her lips.

"You stay seated," my grandmother sternly insisted.

"No, I can't," Mira shook her head sternly, "I can't sit at the same table as her."

"Sorry... did I do something?" I frowned in confusion and glanced around the table. Grandfather was just about to come with a reasonable reply, had it not been for my grandmother beating him to it.

"Your cousin is still bothered by your involvement with mr. Sim," my grandmother announced and put down her cutlery as I looked at her in confusion.

I had tried to keep anything Jake and I did as secret as possible from both my grandmother and Mira. That was at least unless... oh, of course. Mrs. Lee.

"Mrs. Lee paid me a visit yesterday," my grandmother revealed and I nodded quietly, "according to her it's just a question of time before you get the offer of courting by mr. Sim himself."

"Well, mrs. Lee always gets a bit too excited whenever she sees the slightest hint of good company between two people," I reminded with a small hint of amusement in my voice.

"Well... I proposed mrs. Lee that mr. Sim should join us for dinner on Friday," my grandmother announced and I blinked a few times at her in shock. Confused as to if I had heard her correctly, "I thought I would see it for myself. The connection she claims to see between the two of you... and I will personally decide if I think Mira should have the permission to pursue him or not."

"Really?" Mira questioned and suddenly leaned a bit over the table. Showing more engagement in the conversation all of a sudden.

"Shouldn't that be mr. Sim's own decision?" I questioned and my grandmother nodded.

"It of course is," my grandmother nodded, "but Mira will also have the possibility of talking with mr. Sim at the dinner on Friday."

"I'm sorry... but grandmother... mr. Sim has already told Mira that he does not desire to court her," I defended. Finding the need to protect the one connection I had with someone that wasn't my cousin.

"He didn't know me properly yet by then," Mira quickly exused, "I think it's a wonderful idea grandma."

My grandmother nodded in satisfaction as Mira applauded her decision to invite Jake over for dinner - for the sake of both of us getting an equal chance to speak with him. I would surely have to discuss this on my walk with him on Monday.

"If you'll excuse me. I don't feel that hungry," I excused as I picked up my book once again and quickly left the dinner table, as well as the dining room.

Only on my way out did I faintly hear a comment from Mira about how I was finally noticing how she felt in this. I guess it was fair enough that she was frustrated that the man she had hoped would court her instead seems to take a liking for her cousin. But I had technically won fair and square. She simply couldn't accept one rejection and that's what had her so bitter.

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