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It was relatively quiet during the day time on the hill. During the summer it was mostly bird chirping and the soft rustling of leaves around that would make sound. It was far more different during the winter when the heavy wind and snow would make it near impossible to go out for longer periods of time. But the summer was perfect. Perhaps why my grandmother had offered to drink tea with me on the front porch that very day.

"I understand that mr. Sim has talked about courting with your grandfather," my grandmother remarked, not removing her eyes from her crocheting. A blanket she had claimed would be needed once winter comes back around.

"He has?" I raised both my eyebrows, attempting to act surprised as I continued to keep my focus on my book. My grandmother merely hummed before saying something more, which I did not catch.

I quietly sipped from my cup of tea and grabbed a biscuit, continuing to read my book. The Mysteries of Udolpho. It had been mentioned and read by the heroine in Jane Austens book Northanger Abbey, which I had read during last Christmas.

"Millie," my grandmother's sharp voice snapped my focus away from my book.

"Yes? Sorry," I smiled sheepishly as I looked over at her and closed my book, a finger laying on the page I had reached.

"I was talking to you," my grandmother pointed out and I nodded, sipping casually from my tea, "you must pay attention when I talk to you."

Somewhere on the gravel path a carriage was driving. I could hear the crunch of the gravel that usually came with a carriage. My grandmother immediately let out a huff as she pursed her lips, watching me with dismay as I looked around.

"It's mr. Lee and his nephew, they were going to town today," my grandmother remarked and I quickly laid down my book on my chair before rushing up to the railing, leaning my hands against it and looking down towards the gravel path that came from the forest.

Soon enough a carriage turned over on the hill top, driving straight down the path past the hill house. Straight for us. A small smile spread on my face and I leaned further out over the railing as I noticed a motion for the carriage to stop right outside the house.

"Just a moment uncle, I swear it won't be longer," Jake excused as he turned to his uncle up in the carriage. Getting a nod of dismay as Jake quickly crawled down from the carriage, turning to me with a wide smile.

"On your way to town?" I questioned as he jogged up to the railing, looking up towards me with a wide smile.

"We're getting groceries, and a small tour of the city," Jake nodded as I glanced back up towards his uncle.

"Oh the town's nice," I assured him.

"I'm sure it is if you say so," he nodded, quickly glancing over his shoulder to asses how much time his uncle was gonna give him to talk to me, "when should we take our walk? To make up for the last one."

"The wildflowers are done blooming around Sunday, would Monday be alright for you? Just after lunch," I pointed out and he nodded quietly.

"Four days?" he confirmed and I nodded at him, a wide smile immediately spreading on his lips, "alright. We'll take a walk then."

"Just out to the wild flower fields and back," I pointed out and he immediately nodded before waving me down further.

I smiled in amusement before leaning my elbows on the railing to be able to hear him better and to succumb to his request of me coming closer. A small smile immediately spread on his face as he lowered his voice.

"That's a really nice color on you," he pointed out and I looked down towards my dress, a soft blue color, "suits you."

"Thank you," I smiled as he glanced over his shoulder.

"I should go now, I'm terribly sorry miss Kirk," he excused as he rushed back to the carriage and easily climbed back up and adjusted his jacket neatly, "I'll look forward to our walk on Monday miss Kirk!"

"So will I, mr. Sim!" I assured with a small smile resting on my face, "enjoy the town while you're at it! It's wonderful!"

"I will, thank you," he assured as his uncle got the horses in front to walk once again.

I continued to lean on the railing until the carriage was out of sight again. Every once in a while I would catch Jake looking over his shoulder, quickly turning back around again each time.

"He sure likes you," my grandmother commented as I straightened up once again and walked back to my chair, "what will Mira say when she finds out his fondness of you?"

"Mira's thoughts about the connection between mr. Sim and I are none of my concern," I assured and opened my book once again, "for once she should be happy that her cousin even has the chance to meet a boy her own age, unlike her who meets plenty in the city."

My grandmother glanced at me before letting out a small huff. Yet, she couldn't deny the fact that Mira would be a terrible for match with Jake any day. If she had to say so herself that is.

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