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The wind rustled in the trees and the blades of grass in front of the back patio. However, my eyes stayed fixated on the deep blue sea long out in the distance from where I sat. The same blue my mom's dress was - the same dress Mira had insulted at the dinner less than half an hour ago.

"Do you have any idea how difficult you are to find?" a voice complained as the door to the back patio opened. I didn't move despite recognizing the voice, "I was all through the house, and then you're out here."

"I thought you had walked home," I murmured, still leaning against the railing around the back patio.

"Not after that disaster," Jake excused and leaned against the railing beside me, a book in his hand as he turned towards me, "are you alright?"

"Take a wild guess," I murmured and Jake sighed heavily as he turned to look in the same direction as I was.

"The sudden disappearance of your casual politeness would have me guess no," he declared and I nodded quietly.

Jake let it fall quiet between us, listening to the birds that complained beautifully of the wind in the trees. Looking towards the sea in the distance that was turning slightly orange to the West as the sun was getting ready to set.

"Was this what you worried?" he questioned quietly, "your cousin revealing your financial situation?"

"Not as harshly as she did," I nodded with a quiet voice, watching as he placed the book on the railing beside him. Not within my reach.

"If it helps... which it probably doesn't, I don't care what your inheritance is," he admitted with a gentle smile. Only getting a sad smile when I looked towards him, "but I sense it wasn't that much of what I would think. It seems like you're just embarrased by it."

"I was," I nodded quietly, "but she also blatantly lied... the blue dress is not an heirloom. My mom doesn't even know I have it, but it's the only thing that's left from her youth."

"It's not a heirloom if she's still alive," he reminded and I nodded quietly.

"And I don't inherit any debt," I added on, "and I'm pretty sure you can't inherit any diseases."

"You can't," he shook his head in agreement, fidgeting with his fingers as he glanced back over his shoulder, "I might've told your cousin that I found her behavior unacceptable... she didn't seem to happy about my take on it."

"I could imagine," I hummed in agreement.

"And I meant everything I said in there," he assured, causing me to send him a small glance, "if you'll allow me I will be more than honored to court you in the future."

"You'll have to talk to my father first," I reminded and he nodded quietly, "after tonight... let's wait a bit before you do that."

"If he lets me... will you let me court you?" Jake questioned and I looked over towards him, "I need to know if I'm chasing in the dark without knowing what I'm gonna reach or when I'm gonna reach it."

"It doesn't bother you?" I questioned and he frowned at me, "the fact that I have nothing to my name? It won't embarrass you?"

"If anything I'm gonna end up having more than enough to my name," he assured me, "besides... everyone I know already expects me to court for feelings and not money."

"And this feels right?" I chuckled and looked over to him with raised eyebrows.

"More than right," he murmured softly with a small nod, "I'll give you one more time to think about it. How is that?"

"I already know the answer, but time to phrase it right would be nice," I hummed with a small nod, "I could not imgaine leading you on."

"Comforting," he chuckled and nodded before he reached over and grabbed the book he had brought with him, "I uhm... found your book inside. I thought you might find it nice to just go out and find a nice tree to sit under and perhaps you could read for me?"

"Not from that book," I shook my head and took it from him, "I'm too far into it for you to understand what's going on. I'll read you something else if you'd like," I offered and he shook his head.

"Then I'll merely be your company," he excused, "and arrange for us to have food with us in a nice basket."

I smiled softly at him as he just nodded to assure me he was promising me this.

"Tuesday?" he questioned and I nodded quietly, "Tuesday it is then... I'll look forward to hear you properly phrase your answer to me," he declared and straightened up to look out towards the sea, "and if Mira tries-"

"I can take her on my own, thank you," I chuckled and he nodded quietly.

"I'll walk home," he decided and I nodded in return, "I'll see you on Tuesday."

Wildflowers | S.JyWhere stories live. Discover now