Demon Queen (P/Finale)

Start from the beginning

Luminous stepped on Mariabells throat, shoving her into the ground as the True Hero seemingly enjoyed being stepped on. Their mouth only let out choking noises, unable to properly express her emotions.

In this world, everything your five senses can perceive becomes suspicious. The Lust of seeing, the Lust of hearing, the Lust of Smelling, the Lust of tasting and the Lust of sensing. Even thinking becomes nigh impossible because your mind has been enveloped in Lust. [Luminous]

Luminous crouched and grabbed Mariabell by the collar with her left hand, bringing her up to her eye level. Mariabell stared at Luminous as if asking for more, whilst Luminous only stared back at her with a bored expression.

Luminous cocked her right hand into a fist, punching Mariabells face and sending her flying. Her body bounced several times as it hit the ground, blood covering more parts of her body as it splashed every bounce.

It's like being a masochist and getting raped. [Luminous]

Several hands began to rip off Mariabells clothes from her perspective, others crawling and touching her all over her body. Her boobs, her ass, her shoulders, even inside her mouth.

From Mariabells perspective, figures who were naked were grabbing her and dragging her towards them. They were touching her sensitive parts without a hint of remorse or shame.

You're being pleasured against your will, but you can't help enjoy every second of it. You moan, you bite, you latch onto the person, anything to free yourself yet pleasure you even more. [Luminous]

Luminous slowly began walking to Mariabell, watching the True Hero contort her body and change her expression numerous times as she hallucinated being raped.

Her nails and hands dug into the ground underneath the blood, her teeth randomly biting nothing and legs barely moving.

The problem with this world I created is that all beings outside the barrier in a 100 mile radius are overtaken by fear and faint, there are a few exceptions like Hinata, Akimitsu and Akiko. [Luminous]

Luminous appeared Infront of Mariabell, grabbing her throat and lifting her above the ground. The True Heroine was covered in blood head to toe, barely hanging onto her conciousness due to the intense emotions she was feeling.

She stared at Mariabells pathetic outlook, almost laughing and mocking her inwardly. Mariabell had been reduced to such a pathetic state, a fitting punishment.

What's more, the blood enhances the effect of Lust. It only takes effect when in contact with skin, so even wearing normal clothes prevents it from affecting anyone. [Luminous]

Luminous lifted her hand, blood began to float from the ground and started swirling around her arm. It started gathering and condensing at the tip of her fingers, before entering her hands through the nails and reddening her skin.

Mariabell finally managed to control herself a little, albeit she was still trying her best not to faint and die over here.

It was the end for her, and she wished to say a few words before dying.

Hehe... Yo... Luminous... Wanna know something? [Mariabell]

Luminous thrusted her hand backwards, before her nails stabbed through Mariabells chest in an instant. Her face remained uninterested and stoic as she stabbed the Otherworlder, but Luminous silently listened to what Mariabell had to say.

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