Confrontation between Chaotic Beings (P/Finale)

970 37 137

Jura Forest
Narrators POV

Uri stepped forward, not wasting a single second.

Right now, he had no reason to hold back against his opponent.

He stepped forward and let his aura loose, allowing himself to unleash his full power without any restraint. His hand was positioned into a palm as he lunged forward with tremendous speed, stepping right before the Ice Empress.

Right now, all that mattered was to protect his little brother.

No matter how strong his opponent is.

No matter how weak he is compared to them.

He won't allow another family member to die.

His aura may be running rampant across the entire forest, and it may kill or poison any nearby poor monsters... But right now, all that matters is protecting his Brother.

He doesn't care if his subordinates die, call him heartless... But, Rimuru is utmost priority for him right now.

Focusing all his strength and magicules into his right palm, letting his aura cover it entirely as he readied himself to unleash a devastating blow. It was a technique never seen before, an unexpected art that required skill to control. It was an art that didn't utilize his claws, but instead required his brute strength to use.

A move he learned from those Mangas Rimuru handed him, one he knew would suit very well for combat if he mastered it. And right now, even if it was his first time using it, he knew exactly what he had to do.

His palm moved so fast that all sound in the area was completely lost for a split second, condensed from the sheer force behind his move. It was an attack Rimuru couldn't keep up with, an attack even Velzard sensed the danger behind. She moved her left arm up to block the attack, ready to take it's full force head on.

The Ultimate Form of Teppo, atleast that's what the manga told him...


The palm of his hand was filled entirely with his strength, all of his power was focused in a single blow just so that he could protect his Brother. Rimuru may have gotten stronger then before, but he wouldn't stand a chance against this woman, a being not even Veldora could compare to.

The palm made contact with Velzard left arm...

And ripped it off entirely, destroying it and hitting Velzard's chin. She barely had want time to react, and was too slow on her reflexes which resulted in her being sent flying backwards.

Entire chunks of forest were blown away from the area by the mere shockwave, trees were uprooted and the ground crumbled underneath them. A crater which put the width of a mountain to shame had formed underneath them in the surroundings, and a line had formed in the direction Velzard flew off to.

Rimuru barely comprehended what happened just now, he couldn't even tell what the hell happened using Universal Sense as pretty much any type of senses was dulled out by that palm thrust.

Velzard immediately stopped herself from flying and stopped herself by planting her feet into the ground, her left arm falling right besides her. She looked at the arm in shock, this...

Is the first time in her life, that she has been damaged so severely.

Not even her sister, the Scorch Dragon Velgrynd, was capable of inflicting such a blow.

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