🔗S2.Restraint Part 2🔗

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"And just because you got the Alpha-Bite-Makeover doesn't give you a license to go around destroying people." Stiles points out.

"Why not? That's all anybody ever used to do to me." Erica says coldly as she faces him ."I used to have the worst crush in the world on you." Erica admits."Yeah, you, Stiles." She says shoving him

"And you never once even noticed me," Erica states. Stiles and I weren't looking as the water was coming out of the locker room. "Exactly how you're not noticing me right now." She says.

Erica then notices water running from underneath the locker room door. At that moment, Scott is flung through the door and lands in the hall in front of Stiles.

Jackson follows and continues to wrestle with Scott. Erica pulls him off and Stiles holds Scott back. Matt arrives on the scene and notices Allison's Pantech Tablet. He picks it up."Scott! Scott! Scott! Guys!" Stiles says trying to get the two to stop fighting.

Mr Harris shows up."What the hell's going on?" Harris shouts as the two are trying to fight one another."Hey! Enough! Enough! What do you idiots think you're doing?" He yells gaining their attention.

"Jackson! Calm down! Mr McCall, you wanna explain yourself? Stilinski!" Harris asks."You dropped this." Matt says as Harris takes the tablet from him. You, and you-- actually, all of you-- detention. Three o'clock." Harris points to everyone including me.

Everyone went to three o'clock detention in the library and Erica and I went to a table."Oh, uh, we can't be in detention together. I have a restraining order against these tools." Jackson tells Mr Harris.

"All of these tools?" Harris asked."No, just our tools." Stiles points to him and Scott."Fine. You two, over there." Harris points to a table furthest away and they move.

Suddenly Jackson rushes out and Harris follows him. Scott and Stiles rush over to mine and Erica's table."Stiles says you know how Jackson's parents died." Scott says."Maybe." Erica shrugs."Talk." Scott demands.

”Hey! I'm not gonna let you speak to her like that,” I said, stopping Erica from responding.” Fine, will you tell us how Jackson's Parents died please?” Scott asks.

"It was a car accident. My dad was the insurance investigator, and every time he sees Jackson drive by in his Porsche, he makes some comment about the huge settlement he'll be getting when he is eighteen." Erica reveals.

"So, not only is Jackson rich now, but he's getting even richer at eighteen?" Stiles states."Yup." Erica says."There's something so deeply wrong with that." Stiles responds."You know what? I could try to find the insurance report in my dad's inbox. He keeps everything." Erica suggests.

"Scott McCall, please report to the principal's office." The PA speaker speaks. Scott exits the library and Jackson and Harris return from where they came from.

Erica finds the insurance report on her laptop."Whoa, look at the dates." Stiles says pointing at the screen.

"Passengers arrived at the hospital DOA. The estimated time of death was 9:26 PM, June fourteenth, 1995." Erica reads out loud."Jackson's birthday is June fifteenth." I commented.

Harris begins to pack his things away and everyone follows suit."Oh, no, I'm sorry. Uh, yes, I'm leaving, but none of you are. You may go when you're done with the re-shelving." Harris says."Enjoy the rest of your evening." He then leaves.

I and Erica started doing the re-shelving together and Erica kept me close to her side. Suddenly things in the library started crashing and flying around.” Erica! Roma!” We heard Scott yell and we ducked and covered as the Kanima went flying above us.

I got up whipping my daggers out. "Roma be careful," Erica warns."I'm prepared to do whatever it takes," I told her as I walked out of the aisle and faced the Kanima.

"Come and get me," I said, revealing myself."Roma get out of there!" Scott/Stiles yells. The Kanima came at me and I got my dagger out and fought the Kanima solo.

I cut his arm making Jackson lunge at me but I sidestepped him I caught his arm and headbutted him making him stumble backwards Jackson got up, nicked my arm making me feel woozy and kicked me backwards.

Jackson wrote Stay out of my way on the blackboard before leaving through the window. Erica ran to my side," My Luna are you okay?!" Erica asked, concerned.

"Yeah, my ass got kicked but I'm good," I smiled.” He got you,” Erica notes.” I'm aware, take me to Derek Erica,” I said softly smiling as she lifted me.

We got to the train station depot with Scott and Stiles in tow." Hey, what happened?" Derek asks getting me off Erica." She fought Jackson one-on-one, and she was winning but he got her in the end," Erica explains before leaving the station with Boyd.

"You're an idiot baby girl," Derek smirks." Yeah well, I was winning till the bastard decided to get clever," I chuckled. Derek put me in our private quarters and Isaac got the task of watching over me.

"You know who it is," Scott says.


"You just wanted Erica and Roma to confirm it, didn't you?" Scott asks.

Derek nods and I exit the cart with Issac, I sit next to Derek and lean against him exhausted."I'm gonna help you stop him as part of your pack," Scott says.

"If you want me in, fine. But, we'll do it on one condition-- we're gonna catch him, not kill him." Scott says.

Derek looks at Scott shocked and Derek can tell there's more to it than that."And?" Derek asks."And we do it my way," Scott says. Scott leaves and I watch as he goes," He's up to something, I'm not trusting him," I commented." Agreed," Derek says with a nod.

"Come on, you back to the cart as you look knackered tonight," Derek says softly kissing my head before lifting me. Isaac headed to his bed for the night and I snuggled into Derek's arms that night and Derek never let me go.


This chapter is done ✔️ up next is the rave♥️

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Is Roma right not to trust Scott??

Roma Stillinski- Teen Wolf fanfic 🐺حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن