🎠S1. The Tell Part 2🎠

Start from the beginning

Derek bolts it up and grabs me just as Kate starts shooting as do the hunters and Derek super speeds it out of there with me holding him tightly as we run through the woods together.

Derek checks the hunters aren't coming our way and puts me down."Are you okay?!" Derek asked checking me over and making sure I've been shot by Kate or the other hunters."I'm okay, I'm not hurt," I say softly putting my hand on his cheek.

We headed back to the Hale house to see if they were gone." I need to get to the school as I've got to attend the conference with my dad," I said softly." I'll take you there," Derek says grabbing my hand.


Derek drove me to the conference at the school and I made my way to Coach Finstock's room."Ah, Roma Stilinski my favorite student." Coach says greeting me

"Hi, Coach, Dad." I greeted the two men in the room."Let's get started with Roma." Coach says with a smile.

"She is a straight-A student, often wears her beanie and headphones but she is a fantastic role model," Coach says.

"She does all her work, she has been put forward to have her IQ tested and I would like her to join me as an assistant for the lacrosse team if she accepts as she is a natural-born leader with an amazing eye for talent," Coach says with a proud look.

Dad squeezes my hand and smiles."I will, just no shouting down my ear hole would be nice, cupcake." I joke with him.

Coach chuckles."Deal." He says shaking my hand."Now onto the other Stilinski," Coach says.

"Stiles, that's right. I thought "Stiles" was his last name." Coach says confused.

"His last name is "Stilinski, "Dad tells him."You named your kid "Stiles Stilinski," Coach says looking confused."No, that's just what he likes to be called," Dad states.

"Oh. Well, I like to be called "cupcake" - "Coach says."What is his first name?" Coach asked dad points out Stiles's actual name

"Wow, that's a form of child abuse. I don't - I don't even know how to pronounce that." Coach states.

"It was his mother's father's name," Dad tells him."Wow. You must love your wife." Coach says."Yeah, I did," Dad says sadly and I squeeze my dad's hand in comfort.

"Well, this just became incredibly awkward." Coach says looking down.

"Hey, what do you say we get to the conference part of this conference, cupcake?" Dad wonders.

"I like your thinking. So, Stiles. Great kid. Zero ability to focus. Super smart. Never takes advantage of his talents." Coach tells him.

"How do you mean?" Dad asked

"Well, for his final question on his midterm exam, he detailed the entire history of male circumcision." The coach informs Dad.

"Well, I mean, it does have - historical significance, right? I mean - " Dad says

"I teach economics. " Coach tells him

"Ah, crap," Dad states

I giggled at my dad's response and we left the room and headed back for his cruiser.

We get back to his cruiser when suddenly there is a disturbance in the crowd and Dad runs to the car grabbing his gun."Roma stay here and don't move," Dad tells me.

Dad goes running off alone and I chase after him and he doesn't see the car and he gets run over. Just as a gunshot rang out whimpers were heard.

"I'm okay!" Dad shouts as he gets up I get to him and so do other people checking on him." So what was it?" I asked." The noise?" I said further." A mountain lion," Chris says coming up to us.

I looked at him and he looked at my face, I still had small cuts healing up from his friend smashing the glass above me.

"Poor mountain lion, it was only frightened, they don't attack unless provoked or threatened," I say with a soft look." Anything can attack without reason to, "The redhead next to Chris spoke up."And who fucking asked for your input?" I said with a look.

"Roma!" Scott says nudging me."What? I don't associate with murderers," I said walking off to my dad's car and dad joined me a few minutes later.

"Yeah I know I'm grounded, "I say not looking at him." I trust your institution about people so don't worry you're not grounded," Dad tells me before we head home.

I walked into my room grabbed my soft pyjamas and I got into the shower first I got out and got dressed for bed when I saw Derek standing there.

"I heard there was an incident at school, are you okay?" Derek says softly touching my cheek.

"I'm okay, I didn't get hurt or anything," I say softly putting my hand on his. " Did you want to stay the night?" I asked him softly.

Derek nodded and we got into bed. I felt Derek holding me close to his chest and I can smell his cologne and his woodsy scent as I fall asleep.

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That's the tell done ✔️ up next is the heart monitor!

Roma is only bruised up! Like Noah would have been!

How sweet is Derek with Roma?

How do we feel about these two together?

They do get together just not yet!❤️

Roma Stillinski- Teen Wolf fanfic 🐺Where stories live. Discover now