I Just Wanna Be The One, But To You We're Already Done

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We got back at 11 so that we could give the wallet back and Lisa and Rosie could give it back to the man.

The homeless shelter was more empty and the people awake even at 11 tonight so Jisoo kept an arm around my shoulders as we sat close together in the corner of the room. Jisoo was quiet the whole way back so I just assume she's tired.

All the people look tired and starved and yet they were managing to talk and sometimes smile at the people around them. And I know not all shelters are like this—Safe, clean and reliable—it is a good thing to see smiles amongst so much suffering.

Jisoo rubs her hand up and down my arm. "We have to only cross West Virginia before getting home."

I lay my head on her shoulder. "Everything's going to be different when we get back."

She nods. "Jennie. I realized something on our way back."

"What is it?"

"I'm only going to be human for one day every 5 months....we...we can't be together."

I lift my head up and stare at her. "What are you saying?"

She pulls her hand from my shoulders and holds my face tenderly. She rubs her thumb over my cheek slowly. "We can't be together Jennie."

"No Jisoo. I'll wait for you," I say and raise my hand to cover hers. "I'll wait for you and be with you. I don't want anyone else."

She chuckles humorlessly. "You deserve someone who's fully human Jennie. Someone that can hold your hand through life."

I shake my head. "No! Jisoo I told you I—"

"And I'm telling you that you can do better," she says.

"J-Jisoo!" I say as my voice cracks with emotion. "How can you say that?! I...." I take a shaky breath and hold back my tears as I say, "I love you."

She doesn't say anything so I pull her hand from my cheek and hold it between both of mine. "Say something," I plead quietly.

She shakes her head and leans forward, pressing her lips to mine. The warmth it gives me is like no other and is completely soft and slow.

Dizziness hits me and I slam my eyes open. She pulls away too and she leans her back into the wall. I manage just enough strength to fall against her.


We wake up a few hours early as dogs and all of us crawl out.

Rosie just sits down and says, "Our 7 days together."

I nod sadly at them. "What are you both going to do?"

"Jisoo turns into a dog every 5 months so we'll be with her, I guess," Lisa replies.

I swallow and look at Jisoo who shakes her head. "I like the idea. Now let's go find something to take us home."

And we do, we find a small family truck that is taking a roadtrip to Virginia.

I on the few hour drive to Virginia, Jisoo and I don't speak to each other.

I want to though. I want to talk to her and what she's thinking and why she would give up before everything even ended. I know what she's saying about not being able to be together....but I just couldn't wrap my mind around it.

After spending the day with Jisoo, I realized I never want to give up what I feel for her. Even if Jisoo doesn't want to fight our love....I want to.

So every time I try to talk to her, she ignores me and pretends to sleep. I get that she doesn't want to get hurt but how can you love someone without enduring pain together?

Even if I only saw her once every 5 months for the rest of my life, that was still give me more happiness than spending my life with someone like my finacé.

I close my eyes and fall asleep.


Turns out the truck decided to stay in West Virginia to visit a few friends for 3 days so we ended up sneaking inside to get food from the people and the little kids would feed us.

Rosie ate everything so if we didn't feel like eating anymore, we would give it to her and she would eat it happily.

Those 3 days go by quick and then I see a sign that we crossed the border into Virginia, taking note of my father's company sign on one of the billboards along the highway.

The family visits another house only 2 hours from where Jisoo and I live.

There was no news running about me nor was my picture up anywhere. But I know my mom is still looking for me.

We spend the next 3 days at that house and then 2 hours take us to Ashe City, our home.

Jisoo still hasn't talked to me properly and hopefully I can get her to see when we're humans.

Lisa and Rosie are completely fascinated by the new city and everything happening.

And lo and behold, we get to my family's mansion some time after 10pm.

The gates are blocked and I tell Lisa and Rosie exactly what to do when they get to my room. Rosie is going to grab a heavy rock and throw it against my window to break it before they both fly in and open a service door that leads out at the ground level.

Everyone is tucked away in their corner of the house and I doubt the security guards are going to pay attention to wild animals.

"Why would the bracelet be here?" Jisoo asks me.

"Because I work here and sleep here in a spare room with my family," I explain and she nods.

I actually didn't realize how small we both were as dogs because we fit through the bars of the gate easily.

We sprint across the long front yard and to the service door.

We both pant heavily and the door opens a little so we control our breathing as walk through the quiet house.

"We have to go up the 2 staircases," I whisper to all of them as Rosie and Lisa close the door and fly back to my room.

"Isn't that where all the family sleeps? Why would it be there?" Her tone starts getting more suspicious. She's going to find out anyway. Better now than later.

"I left there while I was cleaning," I explain and run up the stairs.

She follows behind me and we run and run until we get to my room door and I pat the door with my paw. It opens and Rosie drops down on the ground with a smile.

We go in and I see the bracelet resting neatly on my dresser.

I look at Jisoo who nods and I pull my desk chair in front of it and Jisoo hops up and grabs it with her mouth before placing it between us.

I look at her and she nods again. She presses her paw into it and it immediately clasps to her paw and Jisoo gasps.

And then she closes her eyes and falls on her side. The bracelet unlatches itself and floats to me, lifts my paw up and closes around my front leg. I gasp at the sudden almost electric shock go through me. I close my eyes and fall to the ground as well.

To be continued 😉

Now for the 3 part finale! WHOOOO!

I Found You (Jensoo)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon