If I Needed You, I'd Have You That I Know

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Once we get into a city somewhere in Illinois based on restaurant names.

Which is still a long way from Virginia.

"So...." I say to Jisoo who has been silently looking around warily. "Care to share about yourself?"

Jisoo turns her beautiful face to me. "No." Then she turns away and we continue walking.


"I don't feel like sharing my life story with someone I've only known existed 10 days ago."

I nod. "Okay fine. Be like that. I don't care."

"Thank you for not caring."

I stop walking and she sighs heavily and faces me. I pout. "I thought we called a truce."

Jisoo rests her eyes on me and walks back to me. She pushes my arms down and holds one of my hands in hers. "Stop being a baby and just follow me. Okay?"

I pull my hand from hers. "You are the most annoying person I've ever met!" I shout at her and several people look at us strangely.

"Jennie, people are—"

"I don't care! Why can't you just be nice to me?!"

"Jennie!" She shouts back with exasperation.

"Hey girlie!" We hear an old woman say.

I turn to her and she gives me a kind smile. "Is everything alright?"

I answer "No" At the same time Jisoo says, "Yes."

She scowls at me and I smirk back.

The older woman gasps at our bare feet and says, "Wait come inside! Let me get you both some clothes and shoes!"

"Oh it's no need really!" Jisoo says kindly with a smile. "We were just going to visit the homeless shelter and be on our way."

"Nonsense! I'll get some things and some food for you both and then you can be on your way. What are your names?" She says happily.

"I'm Jennie," I say with equal enthusiasm.

"I'm Jisoo," she says with no enthusiasm.

I throw a glare at her and she rolls her eyes but follows me inside with the old lady.

She seats us in her restaurant and seems to go up stairs to get clothes.

We sit across from each other and I ask, "Why did we turn human? I thought we only turned human during the full moon."

She nods. "We do. I don't know why it's early."

"Will we be dogs again?" I ask.

She shrugs.

"Was it to help us escape?"

She shrugs.

"Does the moon watch over you?"

She shrugs.

"Stop shrugging!" I say with irritation and pick up a menu, hiding my face.

"Why do you try so hard for me to like you?" She asks. "I don't want to...."

I put the menu flat on the table and meet her gaze.

"You don't want to like me?" I finish for her.

She pulls away. "Just leave me alone. We get back to Ashe City, get the necklace and then you can return to your home and job as a maid. We part ways. We won't be together for long after this month. So it's better that we don't get close."

I Found You (Jensoo)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum