So I Can't See Nobody Else For Me, No

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"Let's explore outside," I say and Jisoo grumbles from the bed. "Jisoo! Come on! It'll be fun! I've never been out of Virginia and I want to see this place!"

"It's Illinois Jennie! There isn't anything here besides this city!"

I push her back and forth. "Jiiiiissooooooooo! Pleeeeeeeease!"

She turns onto her back and looks up at me. "Why do you need me?"

"Because I'm scared."

"Then don't go dummy." She turns away again.

"Jisoo. Can you please come with me? Let's have some fun! I saw an ice cream place close by when we were coming here!"

"We don't have money," she grumbles.

I sigh heavily and flop onto the ground. "Fine.... We won't go."

She flips over and sits up before staring down at me. "Don't do that," she warns with her pointer finger raised.

I look up. "Do what?!"

She looks away and closes her eyes. "Don't...." She fists her hand. "Don't give those eyes."

I pout more. "You mean these?"

"Jennie!" She shouts with annoyance.

I sigh and play with the stray strings on my jeans, disappointed. "It's—"

She jumps off and slams open the door, walking out.

I laugh and follow her, watching as she takes a donated jacket and wears it before walking out of the shelter.

I run after her until we're walking side by side on the sidewalk.

"Where's the ice cream place?" She asks without looking at me.

I smile and go in front of her, walking backwards. "Really? You want ice cream?"

She stops and shoves her hands into the coat pockets. "I can go back to—"

"No!" I shout loudly. I go back to her side and hook my arm into hers. "Let's go."

I practically drag to the ice cream parlor and we get inside.

I see the sign. "Limited Time Offer: 1 free ice cream per couple."

I pull her hand out and hold it tightly. She turns to me with surprise. "What are you doing?"

"We're going to get free ice cream," I say with determination.

She sees the sign too and moves her hand away. "You are a liar. A cheater—" she turns around and walks away muttering, "Scared? Liar! Made me into a fool!"

I sigh and grab her hand again. "Jisoo! Come on!"

She pulls her hand away and opens the entrance door. I roll my eyes and follow her out.

"Can't you do something for me?"

She freezes and turns to me. "We've been paying for your mistake this whole damn time! You still want me to do more for you?!"

Jisoo's eyes are either always blank, angry or at the rarest of times, filled with amusement.

Right now she just looks hurt and I can't figure out why getting ice cream makes her feel so hurt.

I don't speak and walk forward. She takes a small confused step back.

"What are you doing?"

I open my arms. "Come here. I think you need a hug."

She takes another step back. "No Jennie."

"Jisoo you need a hug," I say.

She shakes her head and takes more steps back as I walk towards her quicker. "I'm good Jennie."

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