Got A Feelin', You Feelin' Me?

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We spent the last three days walking across Indiana.

And it's been fun.

Jisoo is more open now and laughs and even listens to Rosie and Lisa when they want to talk.

It's been nice to have her like this. She's much more likable when she's not yelling at me and I always feel something warm in my chest when she laughs or makes a joke with me.

"Hey Jisoo?" Lisa asks.

Jisoo pulls away from me and looks at her. "Yeah?"

"Did we pass that before?" She asks with confusion. "I feel like we saw it before...."

Jisoo and I follow her gaze to waffle place.

It does look familiar....

I see Jisoo go closer and a few away from us. She turns her head around and looks at the places everywhere.

I see her eyes go wide with shock.


I go up to her. "Jisoo. It's okay! Don't worry! We'll just—"

"What do you mean don't worry?!" She shouts at me with panic. "We just wasted three days to come back to the same spot!"

"Jisoo. We still have time!"

"No we don't! We change back in a day! We were supposed to have crossed Indiana by now!"

"There's nothing to stress about right now! We can stop, think and plan—"

"It's all your fault Jennie!" She shouts at me.

Lisa and Rosie aren't with us so I guess they went to give us some space.

I swear that they're like our children at this point.

"How the fuck is it my fault?!" I scream back at her. "You're the one that screwed up the directions!"

She steps towards me. "If I hadn't been distracted talking to you then we would've gone the right way!"

I scoff. "Are you joking?! So you just wanted me to be silent for THREE DAYS?!"

"There's Lisa and Rosie to talk to ! Why talk to me?!"

I can't believe she's doing this right now.

"You know what?" I say loudly. "Why don't you fix your insecurities first and then I'll come back? This is ridiculous! I didn't do anything! I was following you!"

"You distract me!" She seethes.

I roll my eyes. "That's what men say in workplaces when a woman they think looks sexy. Not you trying to lead us! You can lead us in the right direction and still talk to me! People do that Jisoo! If you can't multitask then you should've told me! So I'm leaving and once you get your senses back together, come find me!"

I turn around and walk away.

"Jennie! This is idiotic! Just come back!"

"Are you sorry?!" I fire back.

"What the hell?! No! I have nothing to be sorry for!"

"Fine! Then I don't either! I'm going to go find Rosie and Lisa!"

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