Finale Pt.3| Finally, I Know That You're Mine

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I thought that when I get married, it would be to someone I at least moderately like.

Not a cruel weirdo like Jake.

I mostly stayed home during the 2 weeks since I came home and to my wedding date.

Honestly, even if I wanted to go out, I couldn't. My mother wouldn't let me.

I just locked myself in my room and didn't come out. And my mother grew frustrated with that and told that I should eat at the table with her or not at all. The maids would secretly bring me food to eat in my room anyway.

After being in the world, free and in love for 30 whole days, my glorified cage seems like even more of prison.

And Jisoo didn't even try to come once. That's what broke my heart.

"Is this good enough or do you want it tighter ma'am?" A maid asks me.

I look at her and she's buttoning up my wedding dress.

I nod. "Yeah. It's good. Let's go."

The maid fixes a few more things with my makeup and then we go out together.

I meet my dad in front of the double doors that take me to the alter.

He smiles. "Excited?"

I look at him. I have never known my father or what he does or who he is as a person. All I know is based on what my mother has told me about him. That he didn't want a daughter. That I was a disappointment for not being able to gain networks. He's the one forcing my mother to push me to marriage.

I just hold his elbow and don't say anything.

"Is everything alright?" He asks.

I nod. "Everything's perfect Father."

He doesn't say anything after that and the doors open wide.

The music starts and I walk down the aisle with people passing judgement mentally on how I look.

My hair is in a tight bun on my head and the stress silk that covers the length of my arms and half of my neck. At my waist, it billows out into a skirt.

It honestly is not my style. I could've picked something better but I didn't care about the wedding so why put effort.

I see Jake standing at the end and he raises his eyes and glances at me once before looking back at the priest.

My father leads me to the alter and sits next to my mother. A clear smile on his face.

Well. I'm glad someone's enjoying this marriage.

"We are all gathered here today for the union between Jennie Kim and Jake Hart."

And so the priest starts his speech and blessing on this marriage.

Jake and I read prewritten vows and I skip over lines that read "love", "cherish", and "listen". He just reads through it monotonously like a kindergartner. I glance to my side briefly and see the double doors open the tiniest bit.

The priest tells us to face each other and I look back at Jake. Then he asks to everyone, "Does anyone object?"

"I DO!"

Jisoo's POV

As soon as I heard the news that Jennie was getting married, I grabbed my mom's keys and ran to the car.

Lisa hopped in with me and I drove all the way to the Kim mansion.

I jumped out and ran to the gate, banging and pulling at it to let me see Jennie.

I Found You (Jensoo)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ