Chapter 32 - Broken

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New cover alert! I've been unhappy with the original cover for a while now and I finally found some time to make a new one. It's my own art and honestly, I'm quite happy with it. It's my first attempt at digital art as I usually use an entirely different medium, but I've really appreciated the additional liberty that comes with it. Please enjoy it <3

(Painted on Krita >> it's free if anyone wants a cool free painting tool for Windows)

The girl nervously glanced between the three adults before she pushed her hand inside of your skull. You winced briefly at the foreign feeling, but after getting used to the slightly scratching and dizzying sensation, you relaxed enough that the only body part giving away on your uneasiness was the squinting of your eyes whenever the young girl moved her hand. It wasn't a comfortable experience for sure but considering that someone was quite literally digging through your brain right now, it was better than you had expected it to be.

Nothing you craved to repeat, but a small price to pay for – what did you call it? – shoving the truth up Katakuri's ass.

The room was quiet as Pudding shuffled through different parts of your brain before she pulled a film roll out of your head.

"Those are all of your memories from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m."

Glancing at Katakuri from the corner of your eye, you nodded.

All eyes were fixated on the memories as each one of you sported a different expression. While you had to be careful to keep your glare from setting the film roll on fire, Pudding was careful not to hurt you with her powers. Brûlée looked like she was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, her golden orbs nervously flicking between the people in the room and your memories, while Katakuri had masked his stress behind his stoicism, though the heartbeat in his throat challenged his calm exterior.

There it was, your entire day in timelapse. Pudding started off with 10 a.m. and slowly pulled out more of your memories, the rolls folding over each other on the floor as more fell on top with each moment she reeled forward.

Your day proved to be as uneventful as you had remembered it.

Meeting up with the Fire Tank pirates. Walking through Sweet City. Visiting Solar's pâtisserie. Tasting for hours. Purchasing the extract. Going back inside the Castle. Making the doughnuts with Katakuri's chefs. Tasting your creations. Smoothie picking you up. Getting scolded by Perospero before he flung you into the first tree.

No poison.

No viciousness.

Katakuri visibly paled with each memory he saw.

There wasn't a single thing that hinted towards anything that could have remotely been interpreted as evil or even ambiguous for that matter, quite the contrary.

You weren't just saying the truth, the four of you had just witnessed how much you (had) really loved him. How much thought you had put into the doughnuts, how many different variations you had tasted, how much you had discussed different flavour combinations with Solar, how much you cared.

How much he had ruined.

How much of an – what was it? – 'asshole' he had been.

Katakuri's entire body went cold when the last of your memories crumbled on the floor and the room fell deadly silent with it. Brûlée and Pudding looked like they wanted to be anything but here, as Katakuri stared blankly at the film roll, his body tense from realisation, while you felt some weird mixture of satisfaction and anger as you kept your eyes on the film roll.

A Taste of Forever (Katakuri x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon