Chapter 19 - Allies?

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"So, in summary, whenever you leave the castle at least one of us or them has to accompany you," Smoothie clarified, shifting her pointed index from her family members to a few members of the Fire Tank pirates who were tasked with surveying you.

You had gathered with some of the Charlottes since early in the morning to get updated on how your surveillance was going to be increased. The meeting was held in Mont d'Or's studies. Various books of different sizes lined the walls, surrounding a large mahogany table that sat in the middle of the room where you all took a seat around. The smell of old and new books swirled around the room, joining the one of black tea, and you spotted a few new reads among his collection for yourself.

You were bored out of your mind when Mont d'Or skipped from one paper to the next, but you appreciated his efforts and tried your best to hide your boredom out of politeness and gratitude. After all, it was because of his plans and efforts that Big Mom hadn't punched any of your favourite Charlottes across the New World in response to your encounter with Laffitte.

However, you couldn't hide the obvious displeasure on your face when he explained how the Fire Tank pirates were now involved in your business, mostly because you didn't fancy or appreciate the prospect of being treated even more like a fragile doll that needed to be protected.

You had gotten used to Katakuri and some of his siblings watching over you, but having a whole entourage of pirates being tasked with following your every step should you decide to move outside the castle without a Charlotte puffed out your cheeks in annoyance.

Sure, in comparison to other pirates in the New World your bounty was rather low, but some of your new guard dogs didn't have a bounty at all. You were more likely to look after them should someone similar to Laffitte appear in front of you again then for them to look after you.

But whatever, Mama's decided it and you couldn't argue it.

Hearing the white-haired woman chuckle at your expression, you turned around to face her.

"And why again them?" You pointed at the Fire Tank pirates.

"Mama apparently thinks that their captain is doing a good job, and for some reason he also volunteered."


You quirked an eyebrow at her explanation, wondering why exactly a supernova captain had decided to willingly task part of his crew with a job that had nothing directly to do with him.

Smoothie didn't humour your expression as she continued, her fingers wrapping around the teapot's handle to pour herself and the other Charlottes around a new round of tea. "You will meet Chiffon later. She will help you get acquainted with your new cannon fodder."

Her remark made you visibly cringe, prompting you to grimace at the liquid that flowed into your empty cup. Sure, their job was to protect you at all costs, but they were still people and not some kind of collateral.

The tall woman glanced at you from the corner of her eyes, moving the teapot over to refill Mont d'Or's cup while a quick frown bent her lips.

"Don't be like that. They are replaceable and you are not. Besides, we are pirates and not saints, and neither are you." She moved the teapot further, pouring Katakuri a new cup.

"Smoothie is right, Candy. Family always comes first," Perospero noted before he wrapped his lips around the brim of his teacup, sipping the tea that he seemed to prefer much more than the one from your old home.

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