Chapter 15 - Secrets

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A/N: 3835 Words

A pained grunt grimaced your face as your back hit the ground.

"(Y/N), you need to cover all of your sides," Smoothie scolded as she was jogging up to you. Lucky for her, the impact had knocked all air out of your lungs, leaving you to pant at the woman looming over you instead of coming up with a witty remark.

Since the incident with the kitchen many of the Charlotte children had started to warm up to you and some of them made it their own personal mission to get you fitter and more combative. Though they called it 'so you won't embarrass our family', you were sure that, though maybe that part was also true, they also did it because they liked you and didn't want to see you die in a fire.

At least not without putting up a proper fight first.

You peeked an eye open as you grabbed Smoothie's outstretched hand. She quickly pulled you back on your feet, roughly dusting off your back with a few pats that almost sent you falling to the ground again before she walked to the opposite side of the training range again.

"She also had a shit stance when I sparred against her, perorin~." And suddenly you wanted to punch Perospero in the face.

"Shut up, grandpa!" you barked at the man as you lifted your boomerangs off the ground.

"Why are you calling me grandpa?....wait, are you trying to insult me?" You heard Perospero accuse beside you, his voice tinted with confusion and annoyance as he looked down at you.

 Offering the man a simple shrug, you went back into your fighting stance, hands wrapped tightly around your boomerangs as you watched Smoothie enter hers. All the while you could still hear Perospero wonder whether it would be justified to whoop your ass later.

"Oh, give us a break! You finally stopped scratching each other's eyes out so please keep it that way." Brûlée's voice joined the conversation, her face translating her obvious displeasure as her eyes shifted between her brother and you.

It was true. Since the fire Perospero had grown to...tolerate...your presence some more and you in turn decided to stop telling him to fuck off every chance you got. It wasn't much but breakfast had grown a little more relaxed without the constant worry of one of you escalating the situation too much and throwing themselves across the table to strangle the other. 

Much to your dismay, everyone had their bets on Perospero winning. Apparently, the difference in your bounties made their decision easy.

You abandoned your fighting stance for a moment as you turned to the pair, flashing Brûlée an apologetic smile before you shifted your attention to Perospero, your smile getting more and more mischievous by the second.

"Okay. Sorry, grandpa," you smirked, and you could have sworn you saw his eyes catch on fire.

Perospero's wand cracked as his hands strangled the staff, little sharp shards of candy cascading to the ground. The action only made your grin broaden. An unmistakable glare wrinkled the eldest face as he walked up to you, pressing his torso against your body as he stared down at you.

"Listen here you little shit!"

"Language, Perospero," you mocked, your eyebrows rising and mouth falling open in feigned offence as you brought a hand up to hold it over your heart for dramatic effect.

He's gonna kill me later for that one.

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