Chapter 25 - Komugi Island

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The air around you had grown thick while you bit down on your lip, desperately trying to muffle any sounds that escaped from your lips while Katakuri's latched onto your neck, giving minute attention to the tender flesh while his hands skimmed over your exposed belly, courtesy of your nightgown hiking up while you squirmed underneath the large man.

"K-Katakuri, we need to get ready to get on deck," you huffed breathlessly when his lips had briefly left your skin, allowing you the courage to open your mouth without the impending threat of a moan slipping and alerting everyone on the ship of what you were up to.

You had boarded his ship the same evening and you were pleasantly surprised that it was much smaller than the Queen Mama Charter. In addition, the ship didn't sing its name to you, which was another huge plus.

Everyone on the crew was ridiculously polite to you and they even bowed their heads whenever you passed them. You also didn't miss the strange mixture of absolute respect, admiration and fear the crew displayed towards Katakuri.

The effect his reputation had on everyone was almost surreal, and no one wanted to anger him by offending you, which left you with the biggest bunch of ass-kissers you had ever come across. Though Katakuri still had to make up his mind on how and if he wanted to communicate that you had a real relationship now, the public narrative, the one that had been fabricated for the people in Tottoland and the one that was reinforced by Big News Morgans' article, was that you had married for love. You were pretty sure, though, that anyone with some knowledge about devil fruit abilities could guess what the true reason behind your sudden marriage was.

Still, nobody fancied figuring out whether your relationship was more than just business by seeing what would happen if they angered you.

Katakuri only scoffed whenever one of his crew members tried to get on his good side by being on yours, and it wasn't long until he had had enough of it. After dinner he quickly ushered you towards his cabin and you were positively surprised when you saw that a large bed had been set up in his cabin. You were looking forward to having an excuse to sleep on his arms again, but you appreciated the thought that went into it.

However, you were a little miffed that you couldn't spend more time on deck. Originally, you had planned on spending the evening up in the crow's nest and look up into the sky until you were sure that you could retrace the entire sky just from memory.


You could indulge in the twinkling lights up in the firmament for hours upon hours and you weren't aware of how much you had missed the activity until you had set foot on the ship. However, Katakuri was quick to inform you that you had a busy schedule for the upcoming days and so you ditched one of your favourite relaxing activities for more sleep.

However, right now he himself was actively keeping you from sleeping.

The tall man quirked an eyebrow at your comment while his fingers traced over your exposed skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind.

"They said breakfast is ready, we cannot miss that," you murmured, placing your hands on his chest and trying to push him off you.

Not humouring your suggestion, Katakuri easily resisted your push and remained looming over you, one leg on the floor while his other knelt on the bed with you between his legs. Gently squeezing your thighs, he drew quiet gasps from you that echoed in his ears like music.

"This is my ship, (Y/N). We can eat whenever we want to, which allows us," Katakuri leaned back down, his lips hovering over yours, "to enjoy some peace a little longer."

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