Chapter 24 - Bon Appetit

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Wordcount: 4168

The next two weeks went by in a flash. You spent your days either glued to Katakuri's side, much in favour of Mont d'Or's blood pressure, his doctor would have to thank you for that one later, or back in the kitchen with Chiffon. Her doctor was going to hate you.

As smart and skilful you were when it came to other things, the kitchen and you somehow didn't get along well. Chiffon and Bege had joined one of your sparring sessions with Smoothie, to kill some time as they said, and the pinkette couldn't wrap her head around the fact that you somehow managed to dodge her sister's attacks whilst also successfully landing some against the tall woman yourself, but you couldn't crack an egg to save your life.

She had helped you with perfecting your doughnut skills, or in her words "make them edible", until she had to leave for Funwari Island to oversee the security upgrades. You were sure she was just overdramatic. Many things were edible. Some only once, but they were, and your doughnuts surely couldn't be that bad. Crunchy, maybe, but good.

Several other of your other usual companions had also left for their respective islands to cross off the last point on Big Mom's Post-Laffitte-To-Do-List. Smoothie had left for 100% Island, Perospero had left for Candy Island and Katakuri's triplet brothers had also left for their respective islands a few days ago. You were honestly surprised that they could leave their islands behind for so long, since most hadn't returned since your wedding, but that wasn't your problem, and you didn't plan on making it yours.

However, you were more than excited to go visit Komugi Island with Katakuri soon. Since Big Mom had deemed the Château to be the safest place in Tottoland, and she had waited long enough to get her hands on you, neither you nor the Sweet Commander had left Sweet City since your wedding. That was going to change soon though, and you were looking forward to the change of scenery.

You were also happy with the progress Katakuri and you had made. He hadn't changed much of his behaviour in public. He still needed to be tough Sweet Commander after all and an excessive amount of overt public displays of affection was therefore off the table.

However, he had grown more human in private, and you were more than happy that he finally felt like he could let some of his guard down around you and relax a little.

His relaxation was expressed through him accepting and initiating physical intimacy more comfortably and often. You didn't have to wait for every planet to align correctly to get a chance of intimacy or a decent talk anymore, and you were more than pleased to experience what Katakuri's attention felt like. 

Sitting next to you on couches, asking how your training sessions with his siblings went, running his fingers along your legs when you nestled against him, or brushing his lips along your face to wake you up.

As much as you enjoyed the new stage your relationship had entered, between you now sometimes sleeping on his arms and your occasional kisses-turned-make-out-sessions, neither of you had initiated more, or talked about it for that matter. Though you wanted more, it was getting painfully obvious with each kiss you shared, he for some reason always seemed hesitant and you decided not to push it. He would eventually warm up to the idea or tell you what the issue was, and until then you enjoyed things the way they were.

Since most of your usual companions had left and Mr. 'Wears too many belts' – who needs thigh belts? – was doing some paperwork, you seized the opportunity to finally see whether your doughnut skills could pass the stress test, aka Katakuri. You were looking forward to this day, since you had practiced making doughnuts solely for him, and the day to surprise him with a self-made version of his favourite food had finally come.

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