Then the B family.

BB was innocent looking. He did not belong in this job. He was the 'father'

BZ was the 'mother'. She made me want to hide. Just like from all those foster mothers who were sickly nice and then beat you when you were away from everyone.

B1 was a demon child.

B2 was too quiet for my liking. Too observant, more like it.

Then C family. This was an interesting batch. No, only the father was.

He was Albino. Like me. He had white hair and I couldn't stop staring at him and Eyes had to tell me more than a dozen times to stop touching my hair.

He was Commander and his real name was Alec. Like Alex, but he snapped at Ezra the second he said it, so not Alex. Alec. He was like me. He was the only one I paid attention to.

CC was the wife. Both were young and had a child. I was too distracted by her husband to pay attention to her.

C1 was obnoxious and hit it off with Nile and Iman.

Iman's real name was Edmond. He went by Iman because when one of his cousins were a baby they couldn't say Edmond. At least that explained his weird name. His name was kind of like Iver's if you think about it.

I still have my mask on and roll my eyes walking away from A1. His hair was slick back but he looked terrible because he didn't have the same Aura his father did.

He follows me but the second he walks in he walks back out and pukes into the bushes.

"I told you they would make someone sick" Eyes says smugly. I threw an empty paint can at him which he expertly dodged.

See, I didn't hit them. At last not with my fist. I only threw things at them, but that was lightly because I knew the damage it did. But they were seriously annoying sometimes.

I ignore A1 and pick up another can to keep painting. A1 sounds sick and winded as he stammers and can't get across a single word.

He puked 3 more times before he could talk.

"Y-you painted these?" He says touching the one I just barely finished.

His fingers come off wet and I shake the spray paint to make it obvious I was holding it. He looks like he's gonna be sick again as he realizes it's still wet.

I look at it. It was literally just someone being tortured. Why the heck was he acting like this.

"How can you? These are terrible. Why are you- how are they so vivid."

I roll my eyes and put my mask back on.

Can you get him out of here? I sign to Eyes. He shakes his head.

I glare at him. I look through my bag but can't find my sketchbook. It would've been a waste of sketching space anyway to write something.

Tell him this -I sign to Eyes- Get out. We don't want you here and you're gonna be sick all over the floor.

Eyes repeats the message but A1 doesn't move. I sign to Eyes to add what I sign next.

If you don't get out these painting won't be the only things that are bleeding and if you tell any of your family about it you'll be bleeding out for a year

I was not willing to let this place get found. He must have followed us. We were not careful when we came at all. A1 goes white as a sheet. I'm telling you he acted like he was 14

He looks at me and mutters an 'I just followed you, I don't know where we are' I shake my head. Naturally. Because my luck sucked.

I ignore them and leave Eyes to entertain A1. I keep painting. I do a swirl over the painting giving it the effect that it was running. To complete the effect though, I make the shadow longer. Longer than the person. He was obviously running from something.

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