chapter 19 "A bitch of a rival"

Start from the beginning

"Well well look at that, the little human is bleeding, smells vile" she grinned and started moving her nails, irritating the wound.

It hurt like a bitch but I refused to let it show and give her the satisfaction.

"Veronica what the hell do you think you're doing!? You can't attack another pack member!" Jenny yelled, she went to step in but didn't get far.

Veronica's friends pulled her back pushing her around, keeping us separated.

"She's not a pack member Jenny, and don't think you're special, you've not fully completed the bond either, I'm just defending the pack from two filthy rebel members, who were potentially planning to hurt innocent wolves"

Veronica went on and on, she was distracted which gave me an opening.

I slammed my elbow into the end of her arm, making her yelp, I grabbed her by the hair and slammed her face into the wall.

"Touch me again and I won't be so nice... you're messing with the wrong human and your pathetic friends don't scare me...SO SCRAM!"

I yelled into her face, before shoving her away from me.

She stumbled for a moment then paused.

She touched her lip and when she pulled her fingers back I saw a small amount of blood, I tried not to smirk too much at the little victory.

She bled quite easily, she wasn't as strong as she was trying to claim.

Our little cat fight didn't get any further though, I heard running coming our way.

"Oh look, the guard dogs are back...and he brought friends" I mumbled, rolling my shoulder, it hurt a lot, and I couldn't exactly hide the bleeding, but I didn't plan on facing them head on.

Markus was storming his way over here with Eve and a new lady, well not necessarily new to me.

It was ruby, his mate, bright maroon red hair with bright blue/grey eyes, her hair was long and wavy, she had it up in a messy loose ponytail. I had seen her picture plenty, actually I had considered going after her, the plan got scrapped after the council deemed it too dangerous.

She had moved into the pack house, she used to live in the mountains which was the only reason I considered it.

"Veronica! Tyler Maddie what do you think you're all doing!? And why do I smell blood, human blood-"

Markus turned to me with a look of horror he was trying desperately to conceal, he obviously didn't want to cause a scene but I was smart enough to know wolves were very protective of their 'lunas' and that was apparently my role.

I just glared back at him, I didn't want to deal with this bullshit "deal with the bitch Markus, I'm out, don't bother me" I walked off not giving him a chance to argue.

Jenny quickly followed after me, she was concerned for me but I could more than handle myself.

"Ashley, Ashley don't walk away!" Markus yelled after me but I just flipped him off as I walked, I didn't really care as long as it was away from wolves.

"Ashley?...where are you going? You're hurt" Jenny tried to put a hand onto my shoulder but I jolted away from her "I'll be fine, I just want to be alone, I can fix this myself" I snapped at her.

Jenny looked worried but nodded as we kept walking.

"Do you know where a first aid kit is?" I asked Jenny, we were alone right now so I pulled the hoodie off with a lot of discomfort.

The blood had seeped down my back slightly, the five small puncture wounds from her claws were infuriatingly painful and inconvenient to deal with.

I ran my free hand over the injury, just trying to gauge the severity, it wasn't too bad, I'd had worse.

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