a date?

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Sasuke÷ No one can't beat me even you princess hyuga hahaha
Hinata =_=
Sasuke÷ So...
Hinata÷ Oh No 🙀 I am late Kiba must be waiting
Sasuke 🙄

Hinata look at her phone
Kiba-kun 🌼☘️
'Are you ready'
'I'm gonna be the first to greet you 😁'
'Aren't you coming Hinata '
'Where are you Hinata'
'I'll be wait for you'
'Why aren't you responding' ~

Hinata÷oh no
Was gonna run then Sasuke grap her hand

Sasuke÷where you think you're going
Hinata÷Sasuke it is not funny Kiba has been waiting for me whole day
Sasuke÷ so what, what I meant to say is where you think you're going with that dress

Hinata look at her dress and it was cover with sausage

Hinata÷ it doesn't matter now bye
Hinata run away

Sasuke÷ hum I also can wait for you until you fell in love with me until then I'll be here for you

Hinata at park
Hinata hardly breathing
Hinata÷ Kiba...-kun where.... is he...

Kiba÷ Hey Hinata...
Hinata turn back and saw Kiba

 Hinata turn back and saw Kiba

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Hinata÷ I'm so sorry... Kiba... I was...
Kiba÷there there Hinata first breathe quietly and stop talking

Hinata sign
Kiba look at Hinata dress

Kiba÷ you were cooking?
Kiba÷ ohh okay I guess we need to go shopping

Kiba and Hinata at dress shop

A girl÷ hello sir maan what can I help you with

Kiba÷bring some dress for this lady Hinata

At dress changing place

Kiba÷ try some cloths

Hinata÷ ah okay

Kiba blushKiba÷wow at the first try you pull offHinata÷huh what you meanKiba÷ nothing nothing -_-

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Kiba blush
Kiba÷wow at the first try you pull off
Hinata÷huh what you mean
Kiba÷ nothing nothing -_-

The girl÷maan you look gorgeous
Kiba÷ isn't she. give this dress and take money for this card
The girl ÷ okay sir thank you

Hinata ÷ Kiba-kun you don't need to pay for it
Kiba÷ we are hanging out it like a date.. 'Blush' and a man should do and buy anything his lady asking for

Hinata÷ ehh 'Blush'
Kiba÷that what a getleman do 😁 let go somewhere to eat
Hinata÷umm sure
Kiba÷ let go to eat ramen at ichiraku ramen

At ichiraku ramen shop

Kiba and Hinata

There was Sasuke Karin and.. Naruto

Naruto÷oyi Hinata Kiba are you two here for Ramen come eat with us
Kiba÷Sure. Let go Hinata
Hinata and Kiba also sit with them

Kiba÷ bring us two ramen
Karin÷by the way I heard Naruto you and Sakura are dating now

Naruto÷'blush and grien' Yeahh
Karin÷ So Sakura agree to you at last

Sasuke look at Hinata so do Kiba
Hinata was looking down

Kiba÷hey hey stop talking about dating things
Karin look at Hinata
Karin÷who's that pretty lady beside you Kiba?

Kiba÷ huh... she Hinata hyuga my..
Karin÷your Girlfriend 'smirk'
Kiba blush
Kiba÷shu...'look at Hinata' ichiraku uncle give our ramen

Ichiraku÷here here

Kiba÷Hinata here..
All ÷ thanks for the meal

Karin÷.. Naruto with Sakura kiba with pretty lady.. so.. me and Sasuke 'smile and look at Sasuke'

Who aren't even listen what she has say
Sasuke in mind "huh why does everyone has to fall in love with the only girl I love "

Kiba÷so,Hinata what you cooked that you're dress was a mess
Hinata÷ ...nothing special
Kiba÷eh speaking of it remind me that it been so long that I haven't eat anything you cook
Hinata÷what you talking about you ate when I came to your house when shino-kun and you were making project
Kiba÷oh yeah but still I craving for it and..

Karin÷what you two talking about lover
Hinata ÷ah it nothing...

Naruto ÷let them eat don't disturb them
Karin÷ohh what a gentleman you are

Hinata look at Naruto then turn away

Kiba÷ Hinata eat up before it get too cold
Hinata÷ haii

After finishing their ramens
Kiba÷we are going
Naruto÷so fast
Karin÷ah Naruto let them goo

Hinata and kiba÷ byee
Kiba÷ see you later guys

Then they go

Naruto÷ why you let them go I was gonna ask Hinata what Sakura chan..
Karin÷shut up they must wanted to do the couple things
Naruto÷huh what couple things you talking about ?

Karin÷ huh
Naruto÷ Sasuke why you getting piss off
Sasuke÷ I'm full
Get up and goo

Naruto÷ why so angry!!

Kiba and Hinata

Kiba÷ was Karin making you uncomfortable
Kiba÷ hmm don't worry you will find must better than that jerk Naruto

Hinata started to tear up
Hinata÷hu uh
Kiba÷ why are you crying Hinata... ahh I'm sorry I shouldn't say that about naruto don't cry
Hinata÷ I'm not crying... my... eyes ... got something
Kiba÷ Hinata
Hinata÷ its.. not that... 'crying'

Kiba look at Hinata for a while
Tsk that idiot..
Kiba hug Hinata

Kiba÷don't worry let them all out cry as must you wanna cry today it all okay

Hinata hug Kiba

Hinata÷ I'm sorry... my heart is aching I don't know.... Kiba-kun... I'm sorry

Kiba÷silly why you are sorry
Hinata÷why Naruto-kun...
Kiba÷shhh not a other words of him he don't deverse you and you don't deverse him... it just that you guys were not meant for each other... you will find a man who is more handsome than him and better than him... whom will treat you right

Kiba in mind "wish I could be the that man of yours but what can I say you don't love me in that way only I was falling for you while you were thinking me as your family brother and a friend ... still I will enjoy this life with you as my friend,family and a sister"

Sasuke knock knock knock
A voice÷ Sasuke what bring you here
Sasuke÷can I stay here for one night
Voice÷of course you can you are welcome every time

Sasuke÷ hmm thank you
Voice÷ come in come in

Sasuke smile

I'm gonna upload some weeks later after this.. I have my exam coming up so... that why I make this one long than other episodes... wish me luck guys for my exam ^w^

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