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It was the day where everyone confess their love to one other
Hinata also want to confess her love to Naruto after all she love him for the start
But she went to sasuke house (close friend of Hinata who bully her sometime but did't hurt her and don't let others)
As she went to sasuke house she knock the door
Sasuke look at the camera he saw Hinata he thought himself what bring her here today coffessing day did she....
Sasuke open the door
Hinata÷hi Sasuke-kun
Sasuke÷what do you want?
Hinata ÷i came here to ask something
Sasuke ÷ come in
Hinata go in to sasuke house
Sasuke÷So what you want to say?
Hinata ÷ umm
Sasuke thought she always follow that naruto why she come to me in this day
Hinata÷i want to confess my love
Sasuke thought she what
Sasuke Hide his blush
Hinata÷i want yo confess my love to Naruto-kun
Sasuke÷ huh (heart achi ) so what you want for me
Hinata÷ i want you to help me to do my speak well
Sasuke ÷ i don't care
Hinata ÷ please Sasuke-kun you're only one who can help
Sasuke÷ask you bestfriend Kiba
Hinata÷he will not help me when it come to Naruto-kun
Sasuke ÷ i will not also help you when it comes to you
Hinata÷ please.... pretty please ( with poker face )
Sasuke ÷ huh okay
They practice day to night
Hinata÷ Naruto-kun I love you I want to spend whole life with you please accept my proposal
Sasuke÷ I love you too Hinata very very much
Hinata÷ I hope Naruto-kun also say that
Sasuke÷yeah whatever now get out of my house you stupid
Hinata÷ Thank you for helping me Sasuke-kun
Sasuke throw Hinata out but softing
Hinata÷ huh Sasuke-kun is Sasuke-kun
Hinata go to naruto house
Sasuke hit the wall
I always love you Hinata and always know you have feeling for me too but you love that naruto more than me
Sasuke go out from his house
Hinata at naruto house stair
Hinata think herself you can do it
Hinata saw naruto kissing Sakura
Naruto÷ I love you sakura-chan
Sakura kiss him
Hinata drop the drop the rose she brought
Hinata run crying then he hit with some guys
Hinata÷i am sorry
A guy÷wow she beautiful
Other guy÷ Is she the most beautifull girl and she have... what i forget
Other guy÷ baby where you going let us walk with you to our bed
Hinata÷ huh i am sorry i have to go
Other guy÷why you was crying baby did someone hurt your felling?? Don't worry we will not hurt your felling but your body
The guys laugh
Hinata try to go but one guy carp her hand
The guy ÷ where do you think you're going
Hinata÷let me go (she learn some fight move for sasuke but this time she was broken her loved one love someone else)
Sasuke was walking around then hear a voice *let me go...* he look
She sound like HINATA he run over them
Sasuke÷ stupid Hinata i teach you fight but you are too..
He saw Hinata crying
Sasuke÷who hurt you which one of you hurt Hinata I SAID WHICH ONE OF YOU HURT HER
a guy ÷ we all
Other guy think himself he is sasuke Uchiha the greatest fighter ever and the head of the village after naruto Uzumaki and the girl is Hinata the most beautiful girl in the village and no one dare to touch her because of the boy Sasuke the strongest and herself Hinata is strong but why she did't hit all oh she came crying anyway i have to run if i did't want to die
The guy run away
The other guy÷ why you running scared of this one guy *laugh*
Sasuke÷ I guess he know what gojng to happen to him
Sasuke hit all the guys
Sasuke÷you hurt my Hinata (hit the guy)
Hinata÷ sasuke-kun...
Sasuke÷ I let you all go but if you ever lay a hand on her you all
The guys run anyway
Sasuke÷ Hinata what happen
Hinata÷ Naruto-kun... Naruto-kun love sakura chan...
Hinata started to cry
Sasuke hug her
Sasuke÷don't worry about it I lo.... it okay

Writer÷ the photo is not mine originals it is from google

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Writer÷ the photo is not mine originals it is from google

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