too pretty

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At sasuke house Sasuke bring two hot chocolate coffee
Hianta÷thanks"take the coffee pot"
Sasuke÷even if you were heart broken be sure to be strong
Hinata÷huh sorry
Sasuke roll his eyes
Hinata÷Sasuke-kun why don't you confess your feeling to someone you like
Sasuke÷to end up like you No and I think I don't like anyone
Hinata÷huh you think??
Sasuke÷whatever drink the coffee before it gets too cold
Hinata÷okay agrigato
Sasuke drink and also Hinata
Hinata÷ yum it was good
Hinata look around
Hinata÷Sasuke-kun I have told you before and again I'm telling you why you living alone when you have huge house
Sasuke÷hmm as before I told you I like being alone
Hinata÷Okay then I'll leave you alone bye..
Hinata get up putting the coffee pot down
Sasuke grap Hinata hand
Sasuke÷you can stay here for tonight as it is too dark
Hinata÷even I am heart broken I have to stay strong "wrink at sasuke"
Sasuke blush
Sasuke÷just stay it too dark out
Hinata÷you don't have to be worry about me I don't want to distrub you
Sasuke get up
Sasuke÷ I was asking you to stay how can I will be disturbed
Hinata ÷ haha if you insist
Hinata phone rings Hinata look at her phone and see (message from Kiba-kun🌼🍀) Sasuke look Sasuke think" why she putting flower at kiba name"
Sasuke÷who texted you
Hinata think "doesn't he was looking at my phone just now why he asking me?Is he.."
Hinata ÷umm someone
Sasuke÷huh sasuke think"someone what she mean by someone can't she just said it is Kiba"
Hinata sit on a chair while tapping
Sasuke jealous
Hinata smile
Sasuke take Hinata phone
Sasuke÷when you are in my home you can't you use you phone without my permission
Hinata÷Sasuke-kun stop messing with me give me the phone kiba-kun must be waiting for me to reply
Sasuke÷why would I Hinata
Hinata try to take her phone but Sasuke was taller than her and Sasuke hold the phone upward
Hinata÷Sasuke-kun give it back
Hinata try to get up and up like jumping to take her phone but Sasuke did't let her take it
Hinata phone again ring
Sasuke🙄look at her phone (let go tomorrow at 3:30 okay Hina) stare
Hinata jump and grap the phone and accidently push Sasuke and fall down on him
Sasuke÷huh (blush)
They stay at the position for some times after Hinata realise it
Hinata get up and the Sasuke also
Hinata÷Sasuke-kun you are turning red
Hinata touch at his cheek
Hinata÷it hot
Sasuke blush push Hinata hand away
Sasuke÷Of course I will after all I did felt your big breast on me 'turn away'
Hinata turn red
Hinata÷Huh Sasuke-kun... I am going
Hinata was gonna go to outside
Sasuke÷the guests room is over there'point'
Hinata turn back and go to the guest room
Sasuke thinking "she too pretty to be real "

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