sasuke at Hyuga house

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Kiba drop Hinata
Kiba÷ take care
Hinata ÷ okay you too Kiba-kun
Kiba smile
Hinata go inside
Kiba smile fade away

Kiba÷ it annoy me you love that idiot
And it hurt me that you don't love me like I did and what even hurt me seeing you crying... damm what am I

Hinata÷ I'm home
Hiashi ÷ why are you late
Hinata ÷ dad I have tell you that I was gonna be late
Hiashi ÷ that not it if you invite someone at home you shouldn't be late you make him wait very long you know

Hinata÷ huh who??
Hiashi ÷ how could I know but he's pretty handsome is he your boyfriend or something 'wink'
Hinata÷ what you talking dad where is he
Hiashi ÷ at living room

Hinata come in to living room
And see Sasuke watching tv with Hanabi

Hinata÷ Sasuke-kunn
Sasuke ÷ yo Hinata your late
Hinata ÷ what you doing here!
Hanabi ÷ that is not a way to talk with your boyfriend

Hinata ÷ huh my boyfriend he is not my boyfriend what got into you and dad
Hanabi ÷ nee-chan don't be shy
Sasuke ÷ 'smirk' Baby come sit with and watch tv
Hinata 😡 grap Sasuke hand and forcely bring him with her

"Of course Hinata doesn't put that much strength Sasuke let her bring him"

Hanabi ÷ awe nee-chan don't do anything you are too young for it hege3

At Hinata room
Hinata push Sasuke
Sasuke÷ baby I did't know you was so impatiently
Hinata÷ will you shup up and don't call me baby
Sasuke ÷ okay love 'smirk'
Hinata÷ huh you.... why did you tell my dad and hana that you're my boyfriend
Sasuke ÷ because you are my girlfriend and I'm your boyfriend
Hinata ÷ And when did it happen
Sasuke ÷ the day I met you.... I am a boy and your friend so I'm your boy friend

Hinata ÷ stop jocking around it not funny
Sasuke ÷ yeah it not funny... Hinata you should start dating
Hinata ÷ what?
Sasuke ÷ I said you should start dating

Hinata ÷ Sasuke-kun I had enough of your jock just tell why you are here
Sasuke ÷ to tell you that you should start seeing someone go out in a real date not with you Bestfriend kiba
Hinata ÷ I... don't know I... haven't move on... yet

Sasuke ÷ 'laugh' I knew you would say that I was just jocking you don't have the guts to date someone else beside Naruto who is already dating other girl
Hinata ÷ 'look down' yeah he's dating
Sakura-chan the girl he loved

Sasuke ÷ ara ara now don't get emotion
Hinata ÷ sorry..
Sasuke pull Hinata in his embrace
Sasuke ÷ don't think I am supporting you or I pity you.... I just want to hug you that all
Hinata pull away from the hug
Hinata÷ Sorry

Sasuke ÷ 'turn his head away' you don't to be sorry all the times
Hinata ÷ ah
Sasuke ÷ wow you are very cute in this photo

Sasuke ÷ 'turn his head away' you don't to be sorry all the timesHinata ÷ ahSasuke ÷ wow you are very cute in this photo

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Sasuke ÷ as I remember your are like this only around Naruto...
Hinata ÷ Hmm
Sasuke ÷ You are cute as child and as for now grown up you have got more beautiful and hot-

Sasuke realise what ge said and get light blush on his ear

Hanabi ÷ if you two are done doing anything you doing come out daddy want you two to join dinner

Sasuke ÷ yeah we done I'm coming
Sasukd rush away
Hanabi÷ onichan you are red what happen
Sasuke ÷ nothing much you just come in right time... I will go first
Sasuke go

Hanabi turn to look Hinata, Hinata blushing
Hanabi÷ are you okay neechan did Sasuke onichan did something
Hinata÷ nothing he did notjing let go eat dinner

They  both also go
Hiashi ÷  Sasuke make yourself at home and dig in
Sasuke÷ hai father
Hinata ÷ father?
Hiashi ÷ your not fully enough by making  my daughter Hinata and now you want her handsomw father which is me blush too

Hanabi & Hinata÷ DAD
Hiashi ÷ haha I was jocking now let eat
Sasuke,Hinata,Hanabi÷ thanks for the food
Hiashi ÷ your welcoms
Hanabi ÷ come on dad
Hiashi ÷ thanks for the meal

After eating
Sasuke÷ father that was amazingly delicious
Hiashi ÷ haha I know I make good food thanks Sasuke
Sasuke ÷ now I get where Hinata get cooking skills from

Hanabi ÷ It is not from Daddy neechan cook like mom...
Hinata frowing face turn to sad one
(Hinata mother die when Hanabi was 5 because of sickness and an accidents)

As Hanabi say that silent fell upon them
The silent was broke by the stranger uchiha

Sasuke÷ Ahhh I am feeling like staying here tonight
Hinata÷ huh no ways Sasuke-kun you  cannot hurry and go back to your home I'm sure nechan itachi is waiting for you

Sasuke ÷ huh if you insist
Hinata 😌
Sasuke ÷ but after eating dessert with hanabi-chan
Hanabi ÷ really
Sasuke ÷ of course who couldn't want to eat sweet with a swèet girl "smile"

After that
Sasuke ÷ I should be going before it get too late
Hinata ÷ let me walk you outside our house

Outside hyuga house
Sasuke÷ so,I will get going then...
Hinata÷ okay bye
Sasuks÷ not gonna stop me!
Hinata÷ huh? why would I
Sasuke ÷ because you did't want me to leave
Hinata÷ ! But I..
Sasuke ÷ OKay I get it (- o -) I'm going
Hinata ÷ wait Sasuke-kun... thank you for everyting "smile"

Sasuke in mind "I can control my feeling when you say you love that dode when you do all the cute things when he around or not whenever I'm jealous but I can't control anything everything when you smile at me like that"

Sasuke lead in to Hinata face
Hinata "blush"
Sasuke peek a kiss on her cheek and then forehead

Sasuke ÷ I love you Hinata I know you lovs Naruto and can't move on from him and you come home after knowing that he and that pink hair girl has been really dating I know it hurt but as you friend I advise you to move on and now as I'm man and you are a woman I have feeling for you and this feeling had develops  alot past years and aren't gonna vanish that easily and this is the reason I know how you feel about Naruto and all that feeling.. I wasn't look forward for you to accept it I just can't hide it anymore I love you Hinata
And always will



My exam just finisb yesterday   😊

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