cooking completition

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At morning
Hinata waking up and go down stair
Hinata÷I am smelly okay let take a bath :)
Hinata take a towel and open the door
And crash in Sasuke.     Sasuke was half naked Hinata blush
Hinata÷huh Sasuke-kun what are you doing here
Hinata said while covering her eyes with her hand
Sasuke grien
Sasuke÷this is my house and you asking what I am doing if course I'm bathing what people do in bathroom . Hmm... do you mean by that no I don't have any girl yet for tha..
Hinata hit Sasuke
Hinata÷Shut up Sasuke-kun I was just asking
Sasuke÷oh really and why are you covering your eyes
Hinata÷to not to look at your...
Sasuke÷my aces
Hinata÷No... talking with you is like talking with a doll I'ma gonna take bath please go
Sasuke÷If i don't 'smirk'
Hinata push Sasuke out of bathroom and close the door
Sasuke÷wow heartless'smile'
Hinata÷'blush'sometimes Sasuke-kun is too much huh
After taking bath Hinata come out
Sasuke÷breakfast is ready Hinata
Hinata÷ok Mmm smell like ramen do you made it
Sasuke÷yeah who else is in this house  and ghost don't exist
Hinata÷I  as just asking Jesus you talk way much today what happens
Sasuke÷do I
Sasuke think "it must be because I am exciting that you are staying with me in my house I just don't know how to behave... behave like I do to other or different "
Hinata÷ Earth to Sasuke-kun!
Sasuke÷hum.. come on let just eat
They both eat
Hinata÷Mm it tasty I did't know you can cook very well
Sasuke÷better than you?
Hinata÷of course.... not
Hinata laugh
Sasuke÷ohh really let see about that
Hinata÷huh how?
Sasuke÷ let have cooking completition 
Sasuke÷Winner get whatever they like
Hinata÷like what?
Sasuke÷like you have do the thing I want you to do
Hinata÷not me you have to after all I'm gonna win
Sasuke÷you bet
Hinata÷who will be the judge ummm.. let's ki..
Sasuke÷No Kiba hates me so he won't like anything I cook
Sasuke÷No Nejii also don't like me
Hinata÷ then who can be

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