part 4

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Tsunade÷so you want me to tell who cook better
Tsunade÷and why
Hinata÷we just want to have a competition
Tsunade÷okay but why you two want me to be judge
Sasuke÷because you're smart and only you can tell who do better than anyone in our village and..
Tsunade÷stop Sasuke I know what you trying to do
Tsunade÷okay only because of Hinata-chan 'smile'
Sasuke stare at tsunade
Tsunade notice
Tsunade÷haha anyway is the challenge today?
Tsunade÷so what are waiting go and make it and bring it to me
Sasuke÷okay but you can't chosse Hinata beacuse you like Hinata more than me you have to be honest
Tsunade÷okay Sasuke
Hinata÷agrigato 'smile'
Hinata and Sasuke go
Tsunade÷there be a prize which Sasuke want to have as there no way Sasuke will agree on a cooking challenge hmm Hinata is always interesting
Sasuke house
Hinata÷Okay so let start cooking?
Sasuke÷who told you to not start
Sasuke start cutting vegetables
Sasuke÷only 40 minute
Hinata÷not fair
Sasuke÷everything is fair to me
Hinata start cutting vegetables also
Sasuke thinking "I guess I have to do my Best if I want to.."
Sasuke startled
Sasuke÷what happens 'rush to Hinata and took her hand'
Hinata hand was red because of hot pan
Sasuke÷idiot why did you touch it if you know the pan is hot
Sasuke÷stay still 'go'
Sasuke come back with aid box
Sasuke÷be carefull next time
Hinata blush
Hinata÷so should we start
Sasuke÷you hurt your hand
Hinata÷it just a minor injury I'm fine let start we can't keep lady Tsunade wait and I have meeting with Kiba at 3 pm
Sasuke÷Kiba... ohhh okay then let start
Sasuke cook so as Hinata after 27 minutes they finish
Hinata÷ finally
Sasuke÷let go at tsunade place
Tsunade office
Hinata knock
Hinata÷May I can come in
Tsunade of course you may
Sasuke and Hinata come in
Tsunade÷so you two finish
Sasuke was carry two food covering on top with other bowl
Tsunade÷so you two make two kind of food?Sasuke÷no we made one food one kind I bring it both so you cannot know which one Hinata make it and which one is mine
Tsunade÷Smart but you know Hinata-chan gonna win it
Sasuke÷we will see about that
Sasuke put the food at tsunade table and put off the both bowl which was covering the food

Tsunade÷wow both look delicious let see who is better
Tsunade eat the first bowl
Tsunade ÷Gooddd
Tsunade the eat the second bowl
Tsunade÷umm ym
Hinata÷so lady Tsunade who won
Tsunade÷I don't know that but umm.. bowl.. two taste better than bowl one but bowl one is also tasty
Sasuke smirk
Hinata humm :(
Tsunade÷what the second  one is not your

 two taste better than bowl one but bowl one is also tasty Sasuke smirk Hinata humm :(Tsunade÷what the second  one is not yourHinata÷hai

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