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"All that happened to you?"I asked in disbelief.

Hanako-kun nodded, wrapping his arms around his legs and burrowing his face in them.He looked sad and vulnerable, a side of him I have never seen him show before today.

To be honest, Hanako-kun always seemed carefree and not serious.It must be embarrassing and uncomfortable talking about his trauma to me.

I should comfort Hanako-kun the best I can.

"Yea, no matter how I try, I just can't find myself to hate Tsukasa.Although he did all those things to me."Hanako-kun added.

"I...can't find myself trying to hate my brother as well."I said.

Hanako-kun turned his head to look at me, resting his head on his knees.

"You have a brother?"He asked.

I nodded, smiling softly.

"He is similar to yours.At first, he was nice to me, but my parents well...taught him the wrong values."I replied, "Before he realised it, he had just become another foot to kick me with."I replied.

I noticed a black crane on a tree branch.How did it get there?The crane flew away, beating it's paper wings.I blinked several times, I must be seeing things.


"With all due respect, Master, why did you allow No.7 to tell the girl about your past?"A particular green-haired woman asked, the black paper crane in the palm of her hand.

The paper crane morphed into a kokujoudai.The green-haired woman maintained a nonchalant face, despite her apparent dissatisfaction with the choices of the apparition she worked for.

A peculiar apparition, hidden in the shadows laughed.His boyish face lighting up with sick pleasure.He placed an elbow against the armrest of his chair, placing his cheek against his fist.

His red, ruby eyes seemingly glowing, piercing through the darkness into the green-haired woman's soul.For all the green-haired woman knew, the apparition could be doing that right at this moment.

"Well, it's a joy seeing Amane's hesitance and pain as he recounts it.So, I changed my mind.Don't worry, Sakura, it shouldn't impact our plans all too much."The apparition, Yugi Tsukasa, sneered.

He moved his hands lazily as he talked, the other resting on his knee.The green haired woman, Sakura, furrowed her brow.

Sakura disliked her master and his childish attitude to things.He had a tendency to commit cruel acts, and would feel pleasure from it.Sakura always chided him for being unnecessarily cruel.Sakura had always been a woman that valued efficiency.

It was as if being cruel had been an innate personality trait in her master even before he became an apparition.

Actually, that may not be far from the truth.

Sakura bowed her head, saying, "As you wish, Master."

After all, if it was not for her Master, Sakura's wish would not have come true, she would not be the centre of gossip and popularity in high society right now.

Sakura returned to the library, where she heard the call of the son of a marquess.

"My Lady!"Natsuhiko greeted.

Unlike Sakura's master, which was like an annoying but tolerable, sometimes even cute puppy, Natsuhiko was only annoying, minus the cuteness.

Sakura ignored her coworker, and walked right past him without a bat of an eye.His presence did not deserve to be acknowledged.

Natsuhiko pouted, crossing his arms as he trailed after Sakura.Sakura walked to a bookshelf, opening a book there to try and distract herself from the pest that was following her.

"Did Master make you angry again?"Natsuhiko asked.

"No, someone else did."Sakura replied through gritted teeth, slamming her book shut.

"You're so mean, my lady."Natsuhiko whined, "Usually you at least tolerate me.Hence, it means you were angry with something else before me, my lady."

"I was not!"Sakura snapped back uncharacteristically.

Sakura realised it and groaned, putting the book back in the bookshelf.Her face softened slightly.

Natsuhiko had a point, she was being rather unfair to him.Natsuhiko could be like a cute puppy, sometimes.

"I apologise, I lost my composure in front of you, young marquess."Sakura apologised.

"I know you well, my lady, it's no problem."Natsuhiko said.

Sakura thought about the girl.She was becoming increasingly close with No.7, it can't be helped.However, she would get an audience with the girl sooner or later.It would be a good opportunity to find out first hand what she thinks.

"Does that girl bother you again?She shouldn't be too much a problem."Natsuhiko inquired, "She just seemed clumsy and naive.Don't you think that knight is more troublesome?"

Sakura sighed.

"There's more to her than your simpleton brain can comprehend, Natsuhiko.Love is a dangerous feeling.Her loyalty to No.7 might become too deep to alter."Sakura explained, walking slowly past the rows of bookshelves, "However, I think Master is planning something else."

Natsuhiko whined after Sakura's insult.

"Well, with you being you, My lady.I'll put my trust fully in your words."Natsuhiko said.

Sakura nodded.

She ran her finger along the leather spines of the books, reading their titles.Sakura paused as she found the book she wanted.

"As for the knight, he's as simpleminded as you.Hence, he won't be that much of an issue yet.No.7 himself and his relationship with that girl is what worries me."Sakura explained.

Sakura sighed as Natsuhiko seemed to whine again, though quieter this time.Truly, he was like a puppy, at least he was an obedient one unlike Master at times.

She took the book out of the bookshelf and swiped off the layer of dust on its cover.

"It seems most likely for them to visit Tsuchigomori next."Sakura said.

Author's Notes:Sorry for not posting haha 😅.I don't think it's fair to give excuses all the time.

Basically, I am seriously losing interest in writing this.I just don't want to leave it incomplete you you guy's sake, so I'm kinda slogging by each week.Now that sch has started its only made me lazier after coming home.

I enjoyed writing more about the dynamics between Tsukasa, Sakura and Natsuhiko though.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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