Chapter 17:The fairy and her teacher(PT.7)

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I rushed to Hanako-kun, he seemed to be heavily injured.

"Hah, I'm starting to question if No.7 deserves to be leader of us apparitions.He was so easy to beat."'Misaki' said.

I clutched Hanako-kun's weak body in my arms, fighting back tears.Every time Hanako-kun came to my rescue, he dealt with things easily.However, now...

Hanako-kun patted my shoulder, muttering quietly, "Don't worry, Yashiro, I'm already dead.Find No.2's Yorishiro, it should be at the top of the hill.Once you find it, there will be a talisman on it.Peel it off."

With newfound determination from Hanako-kun's words, I nodded.Once again, 'Misaki' aims her scissors at us. Hanako-kun then jumped up from my arms, and tied up Misaki with the rope that used to be attached to my waist earlier.It was so fast Hanako-kun was a blur.

"Go, Yashiro!!"Hanako-kun said as he fended off an increasingly angered 'Misaki'.

I immediately made a mad dash up the trail towards the top of the hill.

"Arghh, you always find ways to agitate me, No.7!!"'Misaki' yelled, fuming as she raised her arm to summon more mannequins to chase after me.

Anger rose in me.

"Well, you put this upon yourself!!"I yelled back angrily as the mannequins closed in on me.

A mannequin bent down as it lunged after me, and I saw an opening.I swiftly jumped onto the mannequin's back and hopped across all the mannequins.

"Wow, your assistant can do that?"No.2 asked, momentarily stopping her struggle to get out of her bonds with Hanako-kun.

Hanako-kun held the rope tightly as he shrugged, saying, "Well, I guess that's my assistant for you."

I rushed over to what seemed to be an altar where people would give offerings to god.On the altar, was a small pair of black scissors, the same pair Misaki gifted 'Misaki'.I finally reached out, mirroring 'Misaki' who reached out to me in a desperate attempt to stop me.In one fell swoop, peeled off the talisman.

The scissors broke in two, causing the boundary to start breaking apart.There was the shattering of glass as cracks formed in the sky, a deep rumbling as earth gave way and the chirping of birds and buzzing of flies distorted as they were erased from existence.

Hanako-kun pointed his knife at 'Misaki'.

"You shall no longer hold the position of second of the seven great apparitions of this land."Hanako-kun announced.

Finally, the sky broke into shards and started raining down on the land, which was sinking.I closed my eyes and when I opened them, I realised I was in one of 'Misaki's memories.

I looked at my hands, they were translucent like a ghost.So I really only could watch.

"Done!"I heard a bright, yet mellow and calming voice chirp.

I looked over to see Misaki and the young girl.Misaki had just finished cutting the girl's hair.Misaki then shows his hands clasped around something, before opening them to reveal a new pair of scissors, much to the young girl's amusement.

"Why did you give me this?What occasion are scissors needed for?"The young girl asked.

Misaki gave the girl a warm smile.The scene changed to show the altar and a large group of kids with Misaki.

"Father!!We've heard that the Ghost of a girl is haunting the area here, is it true?It's scary..."A boy asked Misaki worriedly.

Misaki strokes the boy's head, smiling.

"Don't worry, Thomas.The girl's ghost is probably just a lost soul, she likely will not hurt us."Misaki said, comforting the boy, "Now, stand still so the artist can sketch us."

Misaki then looks at what seemed like a random place in the air, before he cupped his hands.

"Come, don't be shy, Yako."Misaki whispered.

A fairy landed on his hand.The fairy looked anxious but Misaki gave her a reassuring smile.

The fairy transformed into a younger form of No.2, whose name was actually 'Yako'.

The scene faded and I found myself closing my eyes.When I opened them, I found myself lying in a deserted castle hallway.From the light coming in from the must be dawn. We spent an entire night in No.2's boundary?!No wonder I felt so exhausted.

"My lady~"Hanako-kun called, walking up to her, smiling.

I looked around.

"Where is Sir Minamoto?"I asked.

"Oh, you mean the knight?Here."Hanako-kun said, raising a miniature plush doll of Kou, "His body became a doll for some reason after the boundary broke."

"Ehhh?!Will he and the others turn back?"I asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, Yashiro, I'll take care of it."Hanako-kun reassured me, stroking my head.

I realised that as time passed, Hanako-kun started calling my by my surname more instead of 'My Lady', especially when teasing or reassuring me like this.I smiled, my heart felt lighter, and I would only find out why much later.

"Apologise~"Hanako-kun said in a sing-song manner.

"Not till the day I die."Yako retorted, huffing.

"Well, your already dead so apologise before I turn you to fairy dust~"Hanako-kun added, holding up his kitchen knife as he smiled creepily at Yako.

Yako flinched and cleared her throat.

"Everyone will return back to normal next morning."Yako spat, crossing her arms to show her unpleasant mood.

Seeing Yako like that made me a bit sad.I empathized with Yako.She must have really loved and cherished Misaki.I sheepishly walked up to Yako and handed her the sketch of her old class.

"I'm sorry I broke the scissors Misaki gave you, you must have cherished it alot.I hope you understand that we had to do this, Yako-sama."I said, bowing to Yako slightly.

I then reached out to shake a finger with Yako's tiny hand.Yako's cheeks turned pink slightly, before she shook her head fervently and bit my finger.

"Ow.."I muttered, it stung like an ant bite.

Yako flew away furiously, yelling, "It's not like I want to be friends!!Just call me Yako next time!!"

Eh-did I do something wrong?Hanako-kun was chuckling at our cute interaction.I pouted.So rude.I was being so generous to Yako and yet she bit my finger.

Tiredly, I leaned against the castle wall.Ah, we spent an entire night in the boundary.I was exhausted.

"Eh-are you that tired?"Hanako-kun asked.

"Mhm."I replied weakly as I closed my eyes for a moment, "exhausted, actually, but relieved."

A few moments passed like this before Hanako-kun broke the silence.

"Stay like this."Hanako-kun said.

Huh-?But before I could react, Hanako-kun planted a kiss on my cheek.I stood there, dumbstruck as Hanako-kun faded away.Then, my cheeks started burning and I squatted on the floor, covering my face.

"Oh my goodness..."I muttered to myself.

[Misaki Stairs-END]

Author's Notes:Kyaaa I had such a fun time writing this!!Been awhile since I updated.Look I wish I could update daily sometimes but well...lazy me.Plus motivation lolll.But since my exams are over introducing:

UPDATE PER WEEK >v< (or every few days)

I can't promise every few days but I can definitely promise per week.Till the end of the year I will be going by this schedule!!Next update by the end of next week!! ^v^

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