Chapter 14:The Misaki Stairs(Pt 4)

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We panted as we lay on the ground.

"Well, that was exhilarating!"Hanako-kun chirped, sitting up suddenly.

"Exhilarating?!We were running for our lives!!"I replied, pouting as I slowly sat up.

Hanako-kun simply grinned.Oh right, he was already dead.I sighed.I looked around our new surroundings.It was similar to the previous, a library, a pedistal, and a hourglass.

Time still appeared to be the same since we walked into the church, as indicated by the light flowing from the windows.If it were not for the different layout, one could have mistaken themself to have walked back to the same place in a loop.

It really was impossible to tell how much time has passed since we came here.

Once again, another letter fell in front of me.This time, Hanako-kun picked it up before I could, since the letter burst to flames earlier.Once he opened the letter, the same voice came out.

"Welcome students, thank you for finding my right arm.Now, I want you to find my left arm, I used to pray with it every morning."The voice said.

"Hey No.2, it's been awhile since we last met, what's been up with you lately hmm?"Hanako-kun interrupted the voice.

The tone of the voice shifts to sounding grim, with a bit of anger in it.

"Class will start soon."The voice snapped this time, the letter bursting into flames immediately after that.

Hanako-kun simply let it burn, unable to be hurt as he was an apparition unlike me.

I heard the sound of sand falling and turned to see that the hourglass had turned.I sighed.We had to go through this 'treasure hunt' again.

"Hanako-kun, do you know Misaki-san?"I inquired as the question popped up in my head.

"Well, we're both Wonders of this land, after all."Hanako-kun replied.

Oh, so the two were co-workers in a sense.

"Well, does this No.2 have a weakness?"Kou asked.

Hanako-kun nods.

"Each wonder has a Yorishiro, a previous item to the wonder which also gives them power."Hanako-kun explained.

However, when Hanako-kun saw both Kou and my confused looks, he sighed and decided to take a more hands-on approach to his explanation.He took an incense burner from a mokke.

"As you can see, when this incense burner is not lit, you can still smell the incense but it isn't as strong.The same goes for when a Wonder's Yorishiro is destroyed.The wonder will grow weaker.Hence, they will be unable to maintain their boundary."Hanako-kun said, "Without your boundary, as I'm sure the two of you know, it'll be easy for me to deal with them then.Understand?"

Kou and I nodded.Hanako-kun then threw the incense burner behind him.

"So where do we find No.2's Yorishiro?"Kou asked, sounding like an excited and curious child.

"Good question, knight, it's hidden in the deepest part of the boundary."Hanako-kun said, "It's probably up these stairs.

Both Kou and I groaned at the mention of stairs.We had to climb even more stairs?!At this rate the three of us would be here till morning!

"H-Hey cheer up!!You'll get to see your lost friends after this, remember?!"Hanako-kun tried to encourage us.

I just sighed as I nodded, walking off to search for the next body part.

My Knight // Hananene ~Medieval AU~Where stories live. Discover now