Ai Daisuki~

46 0 18

!!Content warning!!


•Gore and violence ig??

It's nothing that would warrant an 18+ but still...

Otherwise, enjoy this chapter!(made me want to cry ;v;)


"Ah-Tsukasa!"Amane cried.

Tsukasa put his now wet finger against Amane's mouth, smiling.It was around midnight, when Tsukasa dragged Amane into his room yet again for more torture.

"Keep quiet."Tsukasa whispered, before biting Amane's wrist.

Amane covered his mouth, which only half muffled his screams.He could feel Tsukasa's sharp fangs sink into his skin, drawing blood.Amane felt Tsukasa lick his earlobe, before pulling back and smiling once more.

"You should see the look on your face, Amane.Its priceless."Tsukasa said, licking his finger, "And you taste amazing too."

Dazed, Amane's amber eyes grew darkish red.Tsukasa hugged Amane, who was now stiff and silent.

"I love you, very, very much, Amane."Tsukasa said, "You make the cutest, most entertaining faces and screams."

When did all this start?Amane could not remember anymore.It felt like an eternity, after all.The tortuous nights all seemed to blend together.

"Oh and I know you're staying in class to stay away from me longer, Amane.It hurts, you know!You don't want to see and talk to your own brother?!"Tsukasa asked, yet again in his childish demeanor.

Ah, around two years?Yea.That scolding Amane gave Tsukasa when they were 7 did not do anything, huh? Still, it's better for Tsukasa to experiment with his...psychopathic rendencies on Amane instead of others.At least, that's what Amane thought.

Even after all Tsukasa has done, Amane could not bear to reject him, or tell someone else about his struggles.The very idea of that made Amane worry.

"I-I want to see you, it's just I like to do my homework ahead of time, and study as well."Amane muttered softly.

In the end, Tsukasa is still Amane's brother.As an older brother, it is Amane's duty to protect Tsukasa.Amane endured the past seven years of torture Tsukasa subjected him to just like that.

Tsukasa raised Amane's chin, staring into Amane's shaking pupils.

"You're lying.I know you well, brother, it's impossible to fool me.After all, I've seen every part, every side of you."Tsukasa said, his ruby red eyes seemingly glowing in the semi darkness, "I understand you more than you understand yourself."

"I-I'm sorry, Tsukasa."Amane muttered, "I'll come back earlier next time."

Tsukasa smiled, clapping his hands together.Despite how time passed, Tsukasa always remained childish like this.Even though Amane and Tsukasa were already 14.

"Now that wasn't so hard was it?"Tsukasa asked, carrying Amane to their rooms, which were connected.

Tsukasa gently placed Amane on the bed, pulling his bedsheets over him.

"Goodnight, Amane."Tsukasa said, kissing Amane's forehead before leaving the room.

Amane covered his mouth, feeling the bile rising up his throat.He got up and stumbled to his room's chamber pot, before puking in one.

Amane wiped his mouth, panting.How could he feel disgusted from his own brother?Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes, and soon rolled down his cheeks, although Amane himself remained silent.

Amane clumsily walked to the window, and simply knelt there. Basking in the serene moonlight, Amane was swept with guilt.Amane simply loved Tsukasa so much, it became part of his identity to love and protect Tsukasa at all costs.

Amane could not bear the thought of hating his own brother.It was Tsukasa, after all!!Tsukasa loves Amane, he's said it to Amane multiple times.It's only right for Amane to love Tsukasa.

If Amane ever caused Tsukasa harm, he did not think he would be able to live with the guilt of failing to be a good brother.

Amane washed his wounds, administered by Tsukasa, again and wrapped them up in a bandages.Both his forearms and his neck were wrapped in them.

Amane fell asleep quickly.After all, the next day will just be a repeat of the same cycle.Everyday.

•1 year later...

"Amane, kill me."Tsukasa said.

Amane was shaking, the sword Tsukasa had entrusted him was held tightly, so tightly Amane's knuckles was white.

"W-why?"Amane stammered.

Tsukasa put a finger on his lips, before giving a childish giggle, placing his weight on the other foot.

"I just want to return to the other side."Tsukasa said.

Amane's eyes widened.

"Return?"Amane asked in disbelief.

"Why, yes.My time is almost up anyway.Hence why I wanted to see your devastated face one last time."Tsukasa replied, smiling innocently.

Amane could not process all the things Tsukasa said at once.

"Your face right my favourite expression so far.It makes you so lovable, Amane."Tsukasa said, "I love you, Amane, more than you will ever know."

Tsukasa walked up and impaled himself with the blade Amane was holding.He pulled it through his body, holding Amane's hands tightly to make sure he did not let go.

"Tsu-Tsukasa!!"Amane cried, tears flowing down his cheeks.

"See you on the other side...Amane."Tsukasa said.

Tsukasa's grip on Amane's hands loosened, a final childish smile on his face.

All before he slumped over backwards, causing the blade to be pulled out of him.By the time Yugi Tsukasa hit the floor, blood poolimg around him, he was already dead.

The sword clattered to the ground, as Amane knelt beside his now dead brother.Although his eyes were open, Amane could see it, feel it, sense it.All the life was extinguished out of Tsukasa's eyes...which reminded Amane oddly of himself.

Amane chuckled, the tears running down his face.It should've been him.He should've died instead of Tsukasa.He had failed his duty as an older brother.

"I'm sorry, Tsukasa...I failed you."Amane said.

Amane took the bloodied sword, and pressed it against his neck with shaking hands, before doing the deed and slicing his neck open.

When Yugi Tsukasa died, Yugi Amane's entire self-identity died along with him.Hence, to Amane, there was no reason to continue living.

After all, Amane had failed in protecting his only brother.In his eyes, he himself was as good as the murderer of Tsukasa.That was exactly how history remembers him by.

Author's Notes:Hey new chapter out quite quickly :D I had the motivation to write this all of a sudden.Tsukasa is just such a fun character to write(this is my second time saying this alr lol).School is going to start tmrw damn.Happy new year guys!! 🎊

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