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  It was another normal night that Aoi was taken away from me.Her father-the King-was hosting yet another ball which Aoi invited me to attend.I was the only Nobel there, as everyone else was royal.I felt very out of place.However, Aoi found me minutes after I reached the ball.

  "Nene-chan!I missed you sooooo much!"Aoi cried, "I got so many new rumours to tell you!"

  I chuckled.Every rumour, big or small, always seemed to get to Aoi's ears.Her favourite rumours are ones about apparitions(or ghosts), and I could tell by her excited tone that the rumour she wanted to tell me was about apparitions.I sighed.

  "What rumour is it this time?"I asked.

  "It's about an apparition-Hanako-Chan!"Aoi replies brightly.

  She then tells the rumour of Hanako-Chan.

  It is rumoured that an apparition, Hanako-Chan, haunts the room of chamber pots on the third floor of the abandoned castle of the fallen kingdom of Yugi.She wears a bright red gown with white lace, and has dark brown hair that is tied in a bun.Rumour says that if you make it to the room of chamber pots and say 'Hanako-Chan, Hanako-Chan, are you there?', Hanako-Chan will appear and grant you one wish...any wish.However, you would have to pay a price.

 "So, if you go there what would you wish for?"Aoi asks curiously.

  I shrugged.Well, this Hanako-Chan sounded great but I was more focused on the 'paying a price' part.

  "I don't know, maybe slimming down my legs so they don't look like Daikons?(Radish)"I replied, "But it depends on what price I have to pay."

  Aoi bit her lip and nodded.She seemed to be thinking.

  "Hmm, your right!"Aoi chirps.

  I wondered what Aoi would wish for.Like, she was the embodiment of perfection.She looked beautiful, had one of the best titles possible, was smart, could dance, was rich.I wonder what there was for Aoi to even wish for that she did not already have.

  "I'd wish for health and prosperity to everyone!"Aoi says, smiling.

  She was wise.Though I could not even begin to imagine the price behind that.Suddenly, a loud crash rang around the room.A green, scaly dragon's head burst through the glass window.It grabbed several guests and threw them into its mouth.Pandemonium spread across the ballroom.The dragon made everyone fall into a panic and it was not long before the situation became utter chaos.The dragon grabbed two handfuls of people and chucked one handful of them into its mouth.Aoi started running towards the dragon.

  "Aoi!"I cried, grabbing her arm, "What are you doing?!"

  "I need to help my people, Nene-Chan!I can't just let them die!"Aoi says, shaking my hand off her arm.

  Aoi then runs towards the dragon, grabbing a sword from a knight.Aoi jumps and cuts the dragon's hand clean off.The dragon growls in pain, and the people tumble onto the ballroom floor.Aoi immediately helped them up and ushered them away from the dragon.However, a large, scaly hand clasped around Aoi.She did not even have a chance to scream.

  "Humans...Just give me the Gold I seek and you can have your Princess back.I give you a week to make your decision."The dragon bellows.

  I was powerless to stop the dragon.All I could do was watch as the dragon flew away-with best only friend.I knew from then on that I would do anything to save Aoi.

                                                                              -Author's Notes-

Hii! :D I wanted to write Hananene next so here it is!I just had to write about my favourite anime sooo yeah.I don't really care if this gets a lot of reads, I'm just happy writing what I like :) I just like toilet bound hanako kun's art style!It's so unique and pretty 😍 Anyways, that's all.So have a good day/night! :D





My Knight // Hananene ~Medieval AU~Where stories live. Discover now