Chapter 16:The Misaki Stairs(Pt.6)

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Hanako-kun chuckled as Yashiro's screams echoed away.He then turned around and deflected No.2's scissors as it lunged at him.The scissors flew into the air and dug into the ground.No.2 snarled, jumping backwards to retrieve her scissors.

"Did you just send The Lady into the abyss?!"Kou cried, aghast.

"Don't worry, Knight, I have set some precautions in place to ensure her safe return."Hanako-kun replied, raising the taunt rope in his fist to show a mortified Kou.

"It's alright, I'll be more than happy to shred just the two of you..."No.2 said ominously.

Her eyes seemingly glowing red, matching the blood-red colour of a layer of her dress.That was weird, Hanako-kun did not remember these two details being in No.2's rumour.With effort, No.2 pulled her scissors out of the ground.It then dawned on Hanako-kun.

The red layer of No.2's dress is dyed with the blood of her victims.No.2's original nun dress was black and white.

"Hmph, it seems the rumour is still spreading, and it seems the humans want to make her more deadly."Hanako-kun said, raising his knife in a fighting stance, "Let's stall until The Lady is close to the Yorishiro so we can destroy it."

"Alright, that sounds like a solid plan De-...Apparition."Kou said, hesitating slightly before calling Hanako-kun properly.

Hanako-kun grinned back at him before he deflected an attack from No.2 and a clash ensued.


Suddenly, my eyes opened.Huh?Am I in heaven?I propped myself up on my elbows, noting how blinding the light around me was compared to the dark libraries we had been in for how many ungodly hours.

I squinted and saw that Hanako-kun's rope was still tied around my waist.Ah, so I was not dead.Eventually, my eyes adjusted and I could make out my surroundings.

I was on a walkway up to the top of a hill.The walkway emerged from the back of an abbey which was the base of the hill.I then realised that abbey, which was part of a small village now, would eventually become the church Hanako-kun and I entered when we entered No.2's boundary.

How quaint, what could be so important on the top of this hill that there would be a walkway from the abbey all the way to here?I then spotted a bench with a journal on it.

Paper was expensive for commoners...this must a journal from some establishment.The Abbey.I glanced at the abbey before walking to the bench and picking up the journal.

The journal seems to belong to a child of the church, whom was studying to be a priest.I flipped through the pages and chuckled.

The child could remember the ten comandments, just that they couldn't spell some words right.Over the messy handwriting, I noticed a neat one in cursive, likely a teacher's marking.

'one shall not commit adolteri' ×
( ) Adultery

'You shall not covid' ×
( ) covet

Good work!Just watch out for your spelling next time!

Curious, I flipped more pages.The writer seemed to be a young girl.I then stumbled onto a crossed out sentence.

'Misaki cut my hair today, I hate it.'

Was crossed out and rewritten in the teacher's handwriting.

Misaki graciously trimmed my hair today.Thank you, Sensei. >:[

I chuckled after seeing the frowning face the young girl wrote in response to her teacher's edit.

Then, I saw a detailed sketch of a teacher and his students in front of the abbey.The caption next to the sketch was 'A memory with Misaki and the other kids'.I was completely sure this Misaki was not the Misaki Hanako-kun, Kou and I had met earlier.

I explore the book further, sitting down on the bench to read it.Next was an adorable recount of Misaki gifting the writer a pair of scissors, as a reward for her improvement in handwriting, which I could clearly see.

'I'll treasure them at the altar after I confess to Misaki.He's been so nice!!He's been teaching me how to read, write, abacus, and even reads us the bible on Fridays.I'm using my time to learn things instead of scaring please hurry up.'

I giggled.The girl is older now, and she has a crush on her teacher, just like me when I first started getting private lessons from a tutor. Excited to see how this would play out, I continued flipping the pages and reading.

After flipping a couple more pages, came this.

'Misaki didn't come today.I was using my scissors to make clothes for my dolls while watching the road from my window.'

Then, the same phrase kept repeating page after page, 'Misaki did not come today.'I started to become unsettled.It was until I reached a page that my heart sank.

'I heard Misaki went to bless the King but fell off the stairs.They said he died in an accident.What does 'died' mean?'

I flipped the pages again.The next few were blank until there were the words.

'Misaki might never come back again.'

It was then blank pages until I reached the end of the book.It was so saddening to read about this girl losing the teacher that raised her like a father.

The handwriting on the last page was cursive, similar to Misaki's but different.It was the girl's, she was now grown up.

I'll make Misaki instead.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps on the footpath.'Misaki' was walking down the final steps leading to the top of the hill.

"Misaki, did you write this journal?"I asked, sympathizing with the apparition as I stood up from the bench.

'Misaki' nods, looking at it sadly.

"I want to collect Misaki's body.I've been using...that friend of yours and the others to build his body.I also tried to make mannequins.However,I have all but failed."'Misaki' proclaimed, a hint of guilt in her otherwise annoyed voice.

The mannequins emerged from the ground and surrounded me, holding me by my ankles in place.I panicked.

"Mi-Misaki wouldn't like what your doing right now."I stammered.

'Misaki' frowned, growling before grabbing me and pushing me against a tree.

"I'll do even be scolded by Misaki again."'Misaki' said, her voice desperate and almost pleading.

'Misaki' raises her scissors and I closed my eyes.Suddenly, one of Hanako-kun's haku joudai appeared and blocked the scissors, sending Misaki stumbling a few steps back.

Hanako-kun appears, panting.I gasp at his current state.He was covered in scratches, and his gaze seemed foggy and distant.

Hanako-kun stumbles back in exhaustion and falls.

"Hanako-kun!!"I cried, rushing towards him.

Author's Notes:Next chapter will be the last Misaki Stairs chapter, and we can finally move on -w-+ It'll come out before this month ends.

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