Chapter 13:The Misaki Stairs(Pt.3)

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"Get back here!What have you done to Ina?!"I cried as the letter burned into ash.

"Please stay calm, my Lady, it is not the time for that.I assure you we will be able to save your friend."Kou reassured me.

I held back the hot tears in my eyes.Ina is not just a friend...

"How would you know?Ina is family to me!"I retorted back.

"And so are my fellow knights whom have disappeared."Kou said, "So calm yourself, My Lady.It is not the time for this.We have to find The Apparition's right arm to proceed."

Despite how blunt and rather harsh Kou's words were, it was reassuring to know that he and I are in the same boat.

We then went in search for the arm.I noticed a podium in front of the hourglass.It was likely where we would place the arm.

The direction which we were going were blocked by a locked gate, which blocked what seemed to be grand, rising stairs.We were stuck to carry out this task.

Hanako-kun started started rummaging the bookshelves.He then pulled out a book that wrote 'The pleasures of the bedchamber.'

"Hey, I found treasure!"Hanako-kun said, pointing at the book which had sexually enticing image of a maiden drawn on it's cover.

Kou gasped.I knew it was one of those dirty books that wrote of unrealistic events in bed.

"How dare you show the Lady such explicit content?!"Kou yelled, trying to snatch the book away from Hanako-kun.(Kou be like yt moderation rn XD)

The two started fighting, Hanako-kun leaping away from Kou's attacks as he lifted up the book.

I sighed exasperatingly.These boys...

"Read a few pages, Knight!I know you'll enjoy this!"Hanako-kun said, now shoving the book into Kou's face.

"I shan't!It contains sinful words and imagery!It won't be chivalrous to do it in front of the Lady too!!"Kou cried, refusing to open his eyes and look at the book.

That's it, I guess I will just search for the arm myself.As I searched, the maiden on the front cover of the book Hanako-kun found crossed my mind.If only I had such big a bosom and as slender legs as her...

I then shook my head fervently as heat rised to my cheeks at the thought of my embarrassing imagination.

I then continued searching for the arm when out of the corner of my eye, I saw a tan-coloured corset.

After a while, time seemed to flow differently in this world, the three of us met in front of the hourglass and pedistal.We had no clue how long we took, as the light spilling in through the tinted glass windows never waned.

"Ah-you know we're trying to look for a woman's arm, right?!"I cried, exasperated at the two boys.

Hanako-kun had come back with a robotic hand, and Kou with a muscular one.I held out a mannequin arm, out of all their findings mine even remotely fit the requirement!

As I put my hand on my forehead and sighed, the two boys cocked their heads.

"You know, something seems different about you, Yashiro."Hanako-kun said.

"The ghost is right, My Lady."Kou agreed.

I made a dashing hair flip, just like those popular ladies in high society that always surround Aoi.

Suddenly, Kou covered his eyes and Hanako-kun just stood, frozen, surprised.

"What?"I snapped as I looked down to see that the corset had half-fallen off due to the strain of my own corset underneath.

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