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Amara's day had unraveled into a chaotic symphony of physical discomfort and emotional distress. The persistent nausea that had gripped her seemed to transcend the realm of ordinary morning sickness. Disoriented and weakened, she staggered towards her bathroom, attempting to steady her swaying body.

Her ears rang with an unsettling resonance, drowning out the world around her. A massive headache throbbed in her temples, intensifying with each step. Bloodshot eyes betrayed the countless tears she had shed over her now ex-boyfriend, a source of heartache that seemed to amplify her physical malaise. Hopelessness clung to her like a heavy shroud.

As Amara reached the bathroom, her room door creaked open. Startled, she turned her head to find Juliet, her sister, searching for her. "Mars? Where'd you go?" Juliet's voice echoed in the room. Unbeknownst to Amara, her body started to lean backward involuntarily.

A sudden thud resonated from the bathroom, prompting Juliet to drop the tea she was carrying on Amara's desk. Panic seized her as she rushed to investigate the source of the noise, only to find her sister sprawled on the bathroom floor. A strangled cry escaped Juliet's lips as she assessed the dire situation. Desperation fueled her screams for assistance as Amara's vision faded into an ominous black abyss.

Meanwhile, Oakley, oblivious to the unfolding crisis, sauntered into his hotel room. He nonchalantly removed his phone from "do not disturb" mode, dismissing the initial call with an indifferent eye roll. However, the persistence of the caller led him to answer, albeit with a yawn-laden greeting.

"Hello?" Cee mumbled, his drowsiness evident.

"Fam, where the fuck are you?" Dave's voice erupted through the phone, urgency palpable.

Cee's brow furrowed in confusion. "What are you talking about?" he responded, a sudden alarm gripping him.

"Amara is in the hospital," Dave declared, breathless and anxious. The revelation sent a shockwave through Cee, his heart plummeting.

"Are you there yet?" Cee asked, a surge of adrenaline propelling him into immediate action. Keys in hand, he bolted out of the hotel, the urgency in Dave's voice resonating in his ears. "Everyone else is here, but you, Oakley," Dave added before ending the call.

The engine roared to life as Oakley sat behind the wheel, his mind singularly focused on the unfolding crisis. The word "fuck" lingered on his lips, encapsulating the gravity of the situation he was about to confront.

Amara's eyes opened to the horrible but familiar sight of blaring hospital lights as she hears voices all around her. She swallows as her eyes dart around the room when her eyes land on this blurry lanky figure with tattoos that trailed up his...Oh no.

"For fucks sakes why is he here?" she mutters glaring at him annoyed while everyone's eyes were on her. "I see you're awake" Her doctor says walking into the room with a clipboard. "Why am I here again?" she says confused. "You fainted Mars" Dave says being the first one to speak out of all of the people who showed up for her.

"I did?" she said as her head turned to him immediately which she immediately regretted because of the horrid migraine she currently had. Everyone around her nods and she looks at them which leads to her mistakenly landing her eyes on Cench. She stares at him with a feeling she didn't know how to express while he stared at her with concern as he silently studied her sickly looking features.

3:15-Central CeeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora