Til Infinity and Beyond

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Amara woke up the next day wrapped in Oakley's arms.She shifts slightly so she can turn to look at him.He groans ever so slightly. "Go back to sleep Mara" he says. "You got a plane to catch" she responds trying to free herself from his grasp. "Fuck that plane" he says pulling her back down.She smiles and gives him a tiny peck breaking free from his grasp.He groans again as she walks to the bathroom.She rubs her face looking in the mirror and yawning.She brushes her teeth as cee finally gets up dragging his legs.He walks into the bathroom and hugs her from behind sending her stomach in somersaults.

"Are you coming back with me?" he says into her shoulder. "Nah i'm staying for the BET awards but you're coming back like right after so we'll see each other soon" she says turning around wrapping her arms around his neck. "I don't want to leave you alone though" he says muttering. "You got work cee and I have Juliet with me." she says in rebuttal."Well maybe i just don't wanna leave you" he says whispering in her ear.She smiles and kisses him on the cheek."Come on.Your plane leaves in like an hour." she says walking over to her desk picking up her phone which has twenty text messages from Julie and about fifty from Nella.Cench kisses his teeth and walks out of the bathroom walking to the door.Amara notices his mood change and walks over to him.

"Don't worry baby,imma see you in less then two weeks" she says sweetly as he hangs at the doorway. "...Fine." he says begrudgingly, agreeing. "Call me when you land ok" she says, kissing him.

"Y'all are nasty" Juliet says as she appears in the doorway interrupting their kiss. "Have some decorum" she mutters as she rolls her eyes and pushes herself into the room.Amara flips her off and gives Oakley a hug.He soon departs and she blows him a kiss."Text me later!" she says, closing her door with her in it.She sits down on her vanity as she drinks a bottle of water.

"Did you two have sex" Juliet says and Amara nearly chokes on her water."No!What-I-No!" she says exasperated."Yeah you totally did but whatever" she says rolling her eyes. Amara rolls her head back in annoyance but soon realizes what she's doing.Amara stand up and sits on the bed next to Juliet.

"I'm sorry.We tell each other everything and I've haven't lately...I've been going through some stuff with mom even stuff with dad and I should've told you" she says letting out what was on her chest. "I'm so sorry but I didn't want you to find out your big sister isn't so invincible as she lets on.And I know I was being selfish but-" Amara is cut of by Juliet crushing her in a hug."Mars you're the exact opposite of selfish.You're selfless.And I was only mad because I thought you knew I would be here for you" Julie says as tears roll down both of the girls faces. "I should be there for you that's like my eldest sister obligation" Mara says and Juliet laughs. "But Julie I want you to know i'm there for you.I know i'm busy a lot but I would drop everything as soon you fucking call ok" Mara says pulling away from her younger sister wiping her eyes. "I'm here for you too Mars through everything" Juliet says in response.

"Till infinity" Mara says resting her head on Juliets.

"And beyond" Juliet smiles finishing the sentiment

"So you and cee huh" Juliet says as the two girls lay on the bed together in silence.Amara instantly smiles sighing. "He's different Jules.He makes me feel wanted.He makes me feel seen.I feel safe when I'm with him". Amara says thinking of him.Juliet chuckles and her eyes pan to her sister. "You're in love Mara" Juliet says.Amara just looks at her sister not wanting to deny the fact.Because she did.

She loved Central cee


A/N speaks

This a lil filler chapter for y'all cus im gonna be mean for the next chap so be prepared bbyssss.

So I don't got a lot to say this one so imma just end this right her.

gnnnn or gmmmm wherever you are.Don't be a silent reader and sending loveee

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