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Cench didn't want to be here.

He needed his girlfriend.Badly

He hadn't seen her in 5 weeks because of this seemingly idiotic tour and he desperately needed to hold her and her beautiful pregnant belly. He wanted her joyful smile and glowing face to be looking back at him but no. He was stuck in a club his friends had dragged him into in attempt to cheer him up.

"You good?" Wadz questions finally bringing his attention to Cench. "Yeah" Cee says downing his drink. Oakley gets up weaving through the crowds to get to the bar

He sits at the bar timidly and he feels a shift of presence next to him. He looks out of the corner of her eye to see a girl with bright eccentric red hair and light tan skin sitting next to him and he eternally groans knowing who it is.

"Oaks," Kenza says downing her shot. "Kenza" he responds not even looking at her. "You can't even look at me now ?" She says scoffing. He keeps quiet taking a sip of his drink which started to fizz.

She scoffs again and they fall into an uncomfortable silence as Oakleys head starts to pound in his chest. His eyes avert around the room in a panic as Kenza smirks. "You good baby" she says as his consciousness slips in and out. He looks for his friends as his hands claw onto other people as a sign of help. She grabs his hand and leads him to one of the back rooms locking the door behind her.

Trinidadian Hoe💋

I'm so sorry Mars

Mixed bitch😝 is offline

Trinidadian Hoe💋



Fucking hell

Amara wiped the tears that danced on her eyes as her whole body shook. She couldn't believe this was happening to her again. She thought she found the love of her life. Incessant knocks fill her eyes and she swiftly turns around.

"Mara open the door"

"It's not what it looks like"

"Please Amara"

"Just listen to me!"

Anger courses through her as the knocks continue. She looks down at her 7 month old baby bump and stands up rage packing clothes into a duffel bag. Oakley is now banging on the door but Mara tunes it all out until she can't stuff anymore stuff in the bag.

She opens the door, shoving the duffel into his hands. "Take your shit and leave Oakley" she says as fury courses through her veins. He stands there refusing and Amara scoffs "Fine I'll go" she says angrily and Cenchs heart starts to pound. "Amara that wasn't what it-" Cee says but gets interrupted. "So you and your ex didn't fuck? Is that what you're telling me Cench?" She responds hysterically.

He keeps quiet. "And to think I fucking trusted you. I loved you." She says in disbelief. "Loved?" He emphasizes the past tense. She doesn't respond and they just stand in the silence both plagued by one's infidelity.

"I can't believe I fell for this shit again" she mutters to herself as her heart aches. "I didn't fall in love with Oakley I fell in love with Central Cee. I fell in love with a facade" she counters as more tears fall down her face.

"Did I do something?" She says looking up at him. "Was it me ?" She says as a tear rolls down her cheek. Oakley wanted to desperately wrap her in a hug and wipe all of the tears away but...he couldn't."Amara please just-" He answers her and she nods her head trying to conceal the tears. "I'm so sorry Mars." He says but Mara furiously shakes her head.

"Don't call me that.It's Amara" he stands down focusing on the pure hurt in her eyes. He never wanted to hurt her. He loved her.

He tries to approach her again but she jerks away from him. "I'll call you if anything happens with the baby but otherwise don't fucking call me.We're done Oakley" Amara says full of spite leaving their shared home and Cee's heart cracks in two.

Oakley watched helplessly as Amara stormed away, her words echoing in the empty space left between them. The weight of guilt and regret pressed heavily on his shoulders, amplifying the sound of his own heartbeat. The door slammed shut, leaving him standing alone in the now-suffocating silence of the once-shared home.

The room seemed to close in on him, the walls reflecting the shattered fragments of the life he thought he had built. Memories of laughter, shared dreams, and whispered promises lingered, now tainted by the betrayal that had unfolded. The reality of Kenza's actions hit him like a freight train, and he sank onto the couch, a profound sense of loss settling over him.

Meanwhile, Amara navigated the familiar streets with a heart full of pain. Her footsteps carried the weight of a broken trust as she clutched the duffel bag, a physical manifestation of the shattered pieces of her relationship. Tears blurred her vision, but she pressed forward, determined not to let Oakley's betrayal define her.

As the city lights flickered overhead, Amara found herself at a quiet park, a place once filled with shared laughter and stolen kisses. Now, it stood as a poignant backdrop to the unraveling of her happiness. She sank onto a bench, feeling the baby within her kick as if sensing her distress. The night air was cool, mirroring the chill that had settled in her heart.

Back at the apartment, Oakley's mind replayed the scene, tormenting him with the consequences of his ex girlfriends actions. He reached for his phone, fingers hesitating over the screen, contemplating whether to call Amara. The realization that irreparable damage had been committed to his  connection weighed heavily on him.

As Amara sat alone, her thoughts turned to the impending challenges of single motherhood. Despite the pain, a fierce determination flickered in her eyes. She vowed to protect the life growing within her, shielding it from the storms of betrayal. The journey ahead seemed daunting, but Amara found strength in the love she harbored for her unborn child.

Oakley, on the other hand, grappled with the isolation of his own making. The room echoed with Amara's departing words, "We're done," a finality that left him adrift in the wreckage of his choices. The life he had presented to Amara now crumbled, exposing the flawed and broken man within.


I feel like I was really just yapping in this chapter so it could be longer but oh well🤷🏾‍♀️

Any suggestions or advice???

Love you guys  🤎

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