Oh Shit!

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3 months pass like clockwork and Amara had finished filming and was settling back into her house in London. Juliet had came back a few days prior so Amara wasn't alone all the time anymore. Nella was there but she was moving out so soon it would just be the two sisters. Amara turns to the next page of her book when something creeps up in her stomach. A wave of nausea floats over her body and her eyes widen running out to her room.

Amara heaved into her toilet as sweat dripped down her head.She had been non-stop throwing up for 2 weeks now and it was honestly pissing her off.What was wrong with her. Juliet ran into her sister's bedroom and rubbed Amara's back as her sister sobbed.Oakley was just about to finish touring.He had come back about a month ago but he still had some shows left on his roster.

Amara desperately wanted him to be there with her but she understood.She rests her head on the crook of her sister's shoulder exhausted.Tears roll down her face as Juliet holds her tight. They lay in the quiet; the only thing that interrupts the silence is Amara hiccuping once a while."Julie get up I need some water" Amara says her voice hoarse.

Amara starts to get up and Juliet does the same.Amara leaves the room and into the kitchen while Juliet hangs back a little.She reappears in the kitchen with a blue box.

"You're taking it"


That's what the test in front of Amara said.This couldn't be happening. A sob crept up on Amara's throat as tears fell down her face.Her hands shook as she read the one word over and over again.Was she ready for a kid.Was Oakley ready for a kid.Juliet knocks on the door and enters the room dropping to the floor with her sister.They both hear a knock on the door and their heads spin to the door.Nella pops her head in the room curiously.

"You lot okay?" Nella says, looking around the room until her eyes land on the pregnancy test on the counter.Her eyes widen as Amara sobs again distraught.What was she going to do.

It was now about twelve pm.Amara,Juliet and Nella had spent the whole day trying to figure out what she was going to do.Amara had decided she needed to tell Cee as soon a possible.She hated lying to him so it needed to be done now.She waited anxiously at the kitchen counter fiddling with her fingers until she hears the front door open.Cee walks in peering to see who was in the kitchen.He instantly smiles when he sees Mara and walks up to her kissing her lips and her head. "What are you doing up" Cee mutters as he nuzzles his head into the side of her neck lovingly. "I couldn't sleep," she says, handing him a plate of chicken alfredo pasta.

Cee gives her a weird look.Amara loved sleep.With a passion.There was never a time she could not fall asleep.Cench stares at her weirdly studying her face. "Were you crying?" he says, peering at her pinkish eyes. "Nah I was smoking a blunt earlier." Amara says lying through her teeth. Cee looks at her again not believing her but she avoids his gaze turning back to the pasta.

She puts the rest of it away and kisses Cee's cheek going off into their room.A little while after Cee wanders into the bedroom going into the bathroom.Amara's nerves grow by the minute as she waits for him to notice the pregnancy test carefully placed on the counter. Not even five seconds later he bursts out of the bathroom test in hand.

"Is Juliet pregnant?" he questions as he stares at the rest confused. "Um no. it's mine" Amara says terrified and Oakley's face widens. "What-you- you're pregnant?" he says, staring at her in bewilderment. "That's why you've been sick lately" He says and Amara nods terrified."Yea" she says, her voice cracking a little. He continues to stare at her in shock and Amara thinks the worst. "Oakley can you say something...please" Amara says scared of what he was going to do.Cee walks up to her and wraps her in a bone-crushing hug relieving Mara of all the stress she was going through in that moment.

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