My home

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Amara walked onto the plane platform to take her,Cee,Juliet, and Nella to California. It had been a week since that moment with her and Cee and they both hadn't talked about it. And it was killing Mara.She wanted Cee.She couldn't stop thinking of the man.His beautiful smile,the tattoos that trailed all over his body, his dark chocolate eyes that she wanted to stare into forever.It was taking over her whole life.And she hated it.She had never been this torn over somebody and it irked her.But yet she loved it at the same time.

Amara's Outfit

Amara's Hair and Makeup

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Amara's Hair and Makeup

Amara's Hair and Makeup

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Because it was Oakley

"Hey you sure you want to do this" Cench says interrupting her thoughts.She turns to him confused. "Pardon me?" she says as she didn't catch what she said. He takes the gray Airpod Maxs off of her head and puts them on his ears listening to what she was listening to.He takes them off after a minute and passes them back to her.

"Why are you listening to your whole set list?" he asks confused."So I don't embarrass myself in front of thousands of people". "You're gonna be fine Mars" he says, annoyed she didn't believe in herself.

"I don't want to be fine.I want to be amazing.Major difference" she says waltzing onto the plane as Cench's eyes follow her in desire.He needed her.

Mara walked into her hotel a little jetlagged.She walked to the check in and quickly checked her Nella and Juliet in.She's just about to go to room when she felt a tap on her shoulder.She turned to see a girl who looked ten,eleven with a tan complexion and black passion twist looking nervously at her.

"I'm so sorry to bother you but I was wondering if I can take a picture with you.I-I love your music and it-" she suddenly stops wiping her tears.Amara frowns a little and helps her wipe her tears."Don't cry your so pretty.What's your name" Mara says bending down to meet her eyes.

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