Chapter 35

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They approached the walls. Indeed, they were destroyed by the imperfect canons that exploded and did damage on the side of King Enzo as well. They were guarded by many soldiers. As if King Enzo would summon everyone to the palace and wait for them to come to him instead of chasing them.

They were looking for the best way in. The king had all the secret entrances secured. They were no longer as secret as they seemed. It looked like the best way in would be through the main gate.

The main gate was guarded by a few guards. They would not be able to repel the attack of a smaller army. However, there were not many of them either. Amaya, Ciaran, Mathias, General Adrien and some of his soldiers. They went inside. At General Adrien's side, they were let go without suspicion. Those who had survived the attack on the ship were kneeling in the courtyard, bound like prisoners.

"General, you did it," cheered the king's adviser. "You found them."

"I'm leading them to the king," said General Adrien.

"Why aren't they handcuffed?" the adviser asked.

"It wasn't necessary," replied General Adrien. "They surrendered voluntarily."

"The king only wishes to see their corpses," said the advisor. "Execute them and impale their heads on sticks in front of the walls," he ordered.

"I guess such brutality will not be necessary," said the horrified general.

"We have to show people who is the king here and what will happen to anyone who opposes him. This false prince must die."

Amaya and Ciaran exchanged worried glances. General Adrien refused to comply with the order.

"You are a soldier and you have to listen to the orders of your king," the advisor scolded him. "If you refuse, it's treason."

"I only refuse meaningless orders," General Adrien objected.

"As you wish, General. Then someone else will fulfill it," said the advisor. "Capture them all!" he ordered the soldiers.

The soldiers hesitated but finally drew their swords. Ciaran also drew his sword. After all, the fight found them. They will have to fight their way to Enzo.

There was pure chaos. The smell of death hung in the air. Blood stained the white stones paving the courtyard. Steel sang as it collided with steel.

"There are too many of them!" Mathias shouted.

"We need help," said Ciaran. "Where are the shadows?"

"I don't know," Amaya replied. "Arawn escaped."

"Let go of your shadows," said Ciaran, rather urging. It was their only chance.

"I don't control them," Amaya argued. "We're all going to die here if I do."

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Arawn appeared with his shadows as if he heard their calling for help.

"Did you miss me?" his usual mischievous smile graced his lips.

Amaya chased after him with her sword. He dodged. He grabbed her hand in which she was holding the sword, twisted it and pressed her back against his chest.

"Why are you trying to kill me this time?" Arawn said.

"Where did you go?" Amaya scolded him. "You should have been here."

"Our deal stipulates that I am to kill the king."

"That you're supposed to help us put Ciaran on the throne," Amaya corrected him.

"However, the current king must die first," said Arawn.

"And is King Enzo dead?" Amaya wondered.

"He is protected by divine relics," Arawn replied. "Strange that he does not believe in the existence of gods and yet relies on them for protection."

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