Chapter 27

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Before it was time to return to the shadows, they still had to make it to the coronation. The Golden City and all of Amorite now belonged to her, the girl blessed by the gods. The Golden Palace was to become her home from now on. Again. People bowed to that ancient illusion.

She suddenly felt a strange feeling in her stomach. It was unpleasant. Nausea gripped her stomach. She felt trapped. Despite the fact that a large part of her longed for that golden crown, she knew it wasn't supposed to be this way. She no longer desired to rule Amorite. Her home was somewhere else. However, they burned it to ashes. Only ruins remained and she wanted revenge.

It is strange that everything that once seemed important to her no longer was and she only cared about one single person.

"You seem nervous." Arawn went to visit Amaya in her chambers before the coronation.

"Thanks to you." Amaya retorted coldly.

His presence did not surprise her at all. She was expecting him. She noticed him standing in the back during the fight and watching everything carefully. She knew he would come for her sooner or later.

"We once wanted to rule this place together," he reminded her.

Amaya stood by the window, looking out at the landscape beyond. The Golden City spread all the way to the edge of the sea. The masts of the great ships rose high. Arawn stood beside her and stared off into the same snow-covered distance.

"A long time ago," Amaya replied. "That was before you tried to burn me."

"And before you decided you don't need anyone," he said. "And yet you are here now. You need my help."

"But I didn't ask to be queen," she said. "The crown belongs to Tristan."

"You desire another crown, I understand, but this one is rightfully yours," said Arawn.

"You can safely admit that it suits your plans." She was not fooled by his sweet words. "But how could you know I wouldn't let Tristan die?"

"Your emotions are your strength as well as your weakness. You will always fight for those you care about. And that's why I could have known that you would at least try to save him." he replied with a mischievous smile on his lips.

"I don't see any power in emotions. So far they have only gotten me into trouble. To death. To you." Amaya said.

"They make you exceptionally cruel," argued Arawn. "We fight for what we believe in and not for our own survival."

The door to the chambers opened and Ciaran entered. Arawn dissolved into the shadows from which he emerged. Even though he couldn't see him or sense his presence, he recognized it in Amaya's eyes. They never lied.

"He was here?"

Amaya nodded. "Yes." the truth came out of her mouth.

For some strange reason, she never felt the need to lie to Ciaran. She trusted him. She knew he would handle the truth. She is no longer alone.

Before they could say anything else, Abnus burst in.

"It's about time," he said. "The people are waiting for their queen."

Amaya sighed. It's time, she told herself. She lost. Arawn got her exactly where he needed her. Now the real game began.

"You look beautiful," Ciaran told Amaya as they walked down the hall. "Red suits you better, though."

She was dressed in a blue gown embroidered with gold. A wide skirt surrounded her. Behind her, a long train stretched across the ground.

Those words made her smile. "I have to agree," she said.

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