Chapter 18

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Their water-soaked fur cloaks were heavy. They were like a weight that wanted to hold them back. Water was dripping from their hair. The streets of the city were not empty even at night. They had to avoid the sight of random people having fun under the veil of night. Everyone in the Golden City knew Amaya very well. They would recognize her immediately.

They walked towards the palace. Even in the darkness of the night, its golden roofs shone brightly.

"Are we going to the palace?" Ciaran wondered. "I thought you wanted to avoid the king."

"We're not going to the palace," Amaya said.

The palace had its own fortifications inside the walls. As if it would need to be protected from the people of the Golden City. Under those walls was a white stone house. They went to it through the side streets. Soldiers stood on the palace walls. They paid more attention than those on the outer walls.

They approached the door. Amaya raised her hand to knock, but Ciaran stopped her.

"Are you sure about that?" he asked her. "They will be loyal to their king."

"I realize you can't stand each other, but you might as well try. Because of me." Amaya said. "You know to whom his loyalty belongs as well as yours."

She knocked. Ciaran was not given the opportunity to object. He didn't like who they showed up at the door, but he didn't even know if there was a better option. And right now, when they were wet and frozen, they didn't have much of a choice.

The door opened and Mathias stood in it. Shock and surprise were written on his face.

"Amaya?" escaped his lips.

"Hello, Mathias." she gave him an uncertain smile.

She was sure he would never betray her, but she wasn't so sure about how he would react to her showing up at their door. Especially in this situation. This puts the commander in a difficult situation. She is like his own daughter to him, but at the same time, he must be devoted to the king. And so does Mathias.

"How...?" he was at a loss for words. "Why are you wet?"

"Can we go inside, Mathias?" Amaya said. "I'll explain everything to you."


Amaya pulled Ciaran to her, who was leaning against the wall.


"Of course," Mathias said hesitantly. He glared at Ciaran as he walked past him.

"Will you explain to me why you're both wet?" Amaya asked.

"We fell into the river trying to get to the city," she replied.

They tore off their wet fur cloaks from themselves. As if boulders would fall from them. They sat down by the hearth. It was immediately more pleasant in the warmth of its fire. Mathias brought them blankets and hot tea.

"Where's the commander?" Amaya wondered.

"Father is in the palace," Mathias answered. "The king had him called because he hasn't caught you yet."

"What do you mean he hasn't caught me?" Amaya didn't understand.

"We heard that you allegedly crossed the Snowy Mountains to Amorite. Apparently, it was true. King Damon has posted a bounty on you." he informed her.

"I already know about the reward," Amaya said. "I guess the commander sabotaged the whole attempt to catch me."

"None of the soldiers were really interested in following you somewhere in the forest, especially when there are so many dark creatures moving around now," he said with disgust.

Shadow Queen (Gods & Dark Creatures Book 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz