Chapter 16

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They camped in the forest. All the wood was wet and it was only with luck that they managed to start a fire. It was weak. It fought for its life. The wood only blackened more than it burned. Amaya and Ciaran sat close together. They tried to warm each other.

Strange sounds echoed through the forest. Crackling snow. Growling. Amaya immediately turned her attention to the shadows. The country was strangely quiet. As if something terrifying were approaching. She looked around. She couldn't see anything in the dark. But with each passing second the sounds sounded closer and closer. Ciaran also became nervous.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I don't know," Amaya replied. "We must be vigilant."

A group of men with dogs emerged from the shadows of the forest. Dogs on leashes sniffed. They were pulling their masters forward. According to the uniforms, they were hunters. The same one with which she used to walk through the woods and hunt dark creatures.

"Finally after long hours of wandering we came across someone," spoke the man leading them.

He looked young despite the fine facial hair. His hair was shaved on the sides. His eyes were so bright blue that they seemed to glow in the dark.

Ciaran stood up. "Who are you?" he asked them.

"Hunters." the blue-eyed man replied. "My name is Damien. This is Nathan, Eric, Jack and Noah." he introduced his companions.

"And what are you hunting?" Ciaran wondered.

"Dark creatures," Damien replied.

Ciaran swallowed hard. Amaya was a dark creature. Ciaran knew nothing about hunters or their abilities. Perhaps Amaya's power would be ineffective against them.

"We saw the fire in the distance and thought we'd check it out," said Damien.

"You should be careful. Dark creatures are most active at night. They like to pounce on their unsuspecting victims," said the blond hunter Noah.

"Thank you for your concern. We'll definitely be careful," said Ciaran.

"I hope you won't mind our company if we sit down and rest for a while. We've been roaming the woods for a long time." Damien said.

"No problem, gentlemen," spoke up Amaya, who had been sitting there in silence until now. " We will be honored if such brave men keep us company and protect us from the threats of the night."

"We will be very happy to protect such a beautiful lady," said the hunter Eric.

They sat down. Ciaran unsteadily sat back next to Amaya. He had no idea what she was up to. But he trusted her. She knew this place. She knew these people. He believed she knew what she was doing. She knew the hunters. She hunted with them.

"You know our names already, what are yours?" Damien asked after a moment of silence.

Amaya and Ciaran exchanged worried glances.

"I'm Ciaran and this is my wife Freya," replied Ciaran.

"And where are you from?" Damien asked. "You don't sound like a local."

Ciaran was taken aback by the question. He could not say that they came from Deira. But Amaya was not caught off guard and had an answer ready.

"We came from the kingdom of Cayor," she replied. "The hurricane destroyed our land two years ago, and it still hasn't recovered from it. We came to Amorite in search of a better life, but we didn't expect to find a kingdom in chaos. The whole world seems to be confused these days."

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