Chapter 33

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"Don't you like ships?" Arawn asked Amaya amused.

Amaya didn't even look at him. She stood on the edge of the ship and gazed into the distance at the open sea. The blue waters of the sea merged with the blue skies. Weak waves toyed with the boat. A gentle breeze gradually got stronger and stronger. Storm clouds were gathering in the distance.

"Are you still angry with me, dear Amaya?" he didn't let her silence put him off.

"Every day since the day you tried to burn me alive," she answered his question.

"I wouldn't try that now that you're mortal again," he remarked as if that should change anything about the past.

"Excuse me, but I don't believe you at all," Amaya laughed. "You wanted to subject me to fear. Break me down. You would do whatever you saw fit."

"You are unbreakable, Amaya. I figured that out a long time ago," said Arawn. "At least you were. All you need is the right motivation."

Amaya knew exactly what he meant by the right motivation. His every word was meant to provoke her. She wasn't going to give him the pleasure of seeing her rage. Not in front of everyone. She forced herself to control her anger. She kept her stony face and cool demeanor.

"Your silence will not help conceal the truth. It's obvious." he gave her a mischievous smile.

Amaya turned her gaze to him. It was cold. Cruel.

"You even touch him and I swear your death will be slow and painful," Amaya said almost ominously.

"I'm sure you'll enjoy it," he said.

She hated the smirk on his lips. She wanted to throw him over the edge of the ship. But it would be in vain. He would be back in a moment. He liked to provoke her. He used every moment he could for it. Ever since she released him from the shadows, he had become more daring. She had no idea what he was after.

They looked at each other there. Until Mathias interrupted them.

"Father's falcon has arrived," he said. "The message says they're going to the border tomorrow."

Amaya turned away from Arawn to Mathias. "That's good," she said. "Send him a message that when they reach the border, they shouldn't stop. We need the Deira troops to notice them and send all their forces to the border. They have to hold them back as long as possible."

"As you wish," he said and left.

"You know you don't have to," Arawn remarked. "I'll kill anyone who gets in our way."

"I don't need you to kill anyone, I need you to kill King Enzo," Amaya retorted. "We will not risk the lives of innocent soldiers."

"You used to be fine with killing innocents," Arawn reminded her.

"We will not keep Deira if we slaughter its people. We need to win that people over." Amaya objected. "It's a strategic move."

"There are always casualties in war, though," Arawn said.

"You will not kill anyone without my permission unless it is absolutely necessary." she ended the debate and went back to her cabin.

"There's a storm coming," Ciaran told her.

"I'm not looking forward at all," Amaya said.

Ciaran laughed. "Do you remember your last cruise?" he reminded her. "You didn't take it very well."

"I remember," she replied. "I was so nauseous that I couldn't stay on my feet. You had to carry me in your arms. You were a gallant kidnapper."

"I was just trying to make sure you didn't end up in the water. I didn't want to jump for you," he said with a mischievous smile.

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