They get mad that I cry and hit me again. They keep hitting me telling me that only babies got to cry. They tell me that I wasn’t a baby. That I shouldn’t even be human since I had white hair. I didn’t get it. I didn’t understand why just because my hair was different that I wasn’t human.

I had been moved again. Ms. Carie was getting worse and moving me into worse homes. She told me I deserved them. They all hurt me. I had met with Iver and Dario a few times. I had started to call them Eyes and Ears.

They had learned sign language so they could talk to me. Mom had always liked sign language, so I knew it before the men hurt her. I had explained to them my nicknames for them and they liked them.

In turn they gave me a nickname. Well, Eyes called me Silent, and Ears called me Silence. They were also teaching me how to skateboard. I liked it, but it hurt a lot from all the bruises that the foster people gave me.

Ms. Carie marches up to the new home. I follow her. I had already moved three times. I don’t think this was normal. Ms. Carie told me earlier how no one wanted a white-haired freak like me so that explained it.

My memories were starting to be foggy. Like, I know the foster people hurt me, but I can’t remember if they hit me with a board or the belt. That was the first time. Since then it just gets worse. There’s this feeling that comes before my memory gets weird, but I like the feeling.

The new lady leads me to a room and tells me that this is where we would have fun. I don’t like the way she said fun though. I watch Ms. Carie leave and then the man and women came to me.

The man tells me he would release his anger at me and if I fought back he would hit me harder. I just nod. I knew how this went. The lady just watches. I wait for the ‘welcome’. Every house did it. Their way of saying welcome hurt.

They demand that I take off my pants and although I don’t want to, I do. If you don’t listen to them, it got so much worse. He tells me to turn around once I’m done. I do, but I don’t miss the way the lady licks her lips.

It makes me shudder. But before I can do as much as blink, pain erupts in my butt. I whimper as he hits me again. The familiar pain of being hit with the belt explodes but he goes longer than anyone ever has. It hurt so much more than it ever had.

The man and lady leave laughing as I sob in a ball on the floor. My butt hurt so much. He had missed a few times and gotten my thighs too. I pull on my pants even though they burn. I had to act like it was nothing.

I hadn’t in the first house and they had ‘beaten’ me as they called it for being a wimp. I tug at my hair as I wait for something. I had really started to hate my hair. Everyone said it was terrible and I was a curse because it was white.

Mom had said I was special, and to never let anyone tell me any different, but it was true. No one else had white hair and I was a freak because of it. I hated my hair and just wanted it to be a different color. A natural one.

Days become months and the lady does something no one has ever done before. It hurt worse than the belt but I couldn't for the life of me remember what it was.

Ms. Carie keeps moving me. She moves me every 6 months I think. Well, that was after the first 3. I don't like Ms. Carie. Some of the foster people called me the Devil because I had white hair.

A bit ago I convinced Eyes and Ears to help my dye it a different color. We had found out I needed to do it every week because it lost it's color too fast.

I was fine with it. At least people would stop calling me a freak and things like that. At least they would stop hurting me since my white hair was brown.

Ms. Carie was really mad that I dyed it. We walk into a new house. As usual, Ms. Carie takes one of them to the side.

The man kneels down next to me. I flinch because I except him to hurt me, but he doesn't. He touches my face and tells me that I'm beautiful.

Something screams danger, but this was the first person to be nice to me since Mommy got hurt. I lean into his touch even though I don't want him.

Mommy used to do that. She used to hold my face and stroke it like this. I just wanted to be in her arms again. I remember my promise to her and I'm a little disappointed.

I wanted to talk to the man. He seemed nice. Even though everything Mommy taught me said he was dangerous. I curl up next to him and accidentally fall asleep.

When I wake up I'm on the floor in front of the couch. The man that talked to Ms. Carie has his feet on me. I wiggle under them trying to leave. He steps on me though and tells me that I wasn't allowed to sleep without his permission.

He takes off his belt and I curl up and wait for him to hit me. After a few seconds it doesn't come. The nice man is standing over me with his hand on the mean man's shoulder.

The mean man nods and the nice man takes me. For the next few weeks I stay with him. He likes to hold me and pet my face.

It was a little uncomfortable but it was better than being hit with a belt so I dealt with it, but it was getting worse.

He starts to hold me for hours and won't let me go. He tells me how beautiful I am over and over but they way he says it makes me feel terrible.

He starts to hold me to him by my thigh and I hate it. He won't let me go. The mean man just watches and laughs like he knows what's happening.

The nice man carries me to a room. I try to get out of his grip but he holds onto me tighter than before. He puts his entire hand on the side of my face.

I can't breathe anymore and so I try to get away from him. He laughs and kisses me. I squirm away from him but he lays on me.

He takes off his pants and I close my eyes. This couldn't be happening. It was a cruel dream. A cruel dream because he was nice and my mind was playing tricks.

But then he takes my pants off. I try to run but my hands are tied to something above me. I can't curl up because he's too close. His breath is putrid but I can't breathe to begin with.

When I wake up I feel terrible. Then I remember what the nice man did, I curl up and cry. I trusted him. Mom was right. I couldn't trust people. I couldn't.

I know that wasn't what she taught me, but that's how I was going to take it. I wonder if I can trust Eyes or Ears.

I leave the house and walk to Eyes' house. Eyes was the most mature. He would know. He would know what happened. He would know what I should do.

Devils and DemonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora